– Hello Jimmy, thanks for taking the time. First off all, could you please make some history of ENTRAILS?
Hello there.. aah. Its ok.. didnt have anything to do anyway… Hmmm the history of the band…
Here you go: (Taken from our BIO at www.myspace.com/entrailsreborn)
Entrails took it’s first tones around 1991 in a small converted woodshed in the village Linneryd outside of Växjö (SWE) with former mates Fredde, Tobbe, Billy and I, Jimmy. Me and my friend Fredde started the band Entrails at the end of 1990. We began to make some own material while we tried to put together a death metal band. After a while we got hold of Tobbe and Billy who joined the band. Heavily influenced by Swedish death metal and thrash we rehearsed the songs that I had done before the band took shape. After persistent headbanging in that woodshed we went to a studio and recorded a few songs, but the quality turned out bad, so there was never any demo made at that time. After some further bad studio recordings, and a small gig at Musik Direkt, the half set of the band lost their interest, so we decided to end the band for a while, and around 1998, the band died completely, since I was the only one having interest in the band, and I grew tired of that.
11 years later, a resurrection was a fact.
I was too nostalgic and said to myself that: Now, many years after the band died, my old songs must be recorded and a demo shall be made, so I started the band again on my own.. I listened to some old tapes with my old material from 1990, and I found 10 songs that I wanted to use on my first demo (there were plenty of songs to choose from). In 2009 my home studio was built and I could finally get started with the demo. There was a minor setback when the songs were done and I realised that I had no vocals in them. Fortunately, a friend to me (Mathias) arranged a singer named Jocke Svensson, (Birdflesh, Litania, Devilry) who helped me and had the voice I wanted. After mixing, now almost 20 years later, at last, Entrails full-length-demo «Reborn ..» is done. Why the title?
‘Cause Entrails is now reborn!!!
After a while when the demo had got some owners, some labels were getting in touch with me and some offers later, Gab from Nihilistc Holucaust was getting the rights to release a tape version of “Reborn”. I went back to my studio and recorded another demo of the old songs and this one i called “Human Decay”. Jocke was the man with the voice helping me again with the vocals.
While making that demo, FDA Rekotz mailed and gave me an offer for making a fullength album of existing material. In October 2009, before the release of “Human Decay”, I signed with FDA for the Entrails fullength, which was to be released in 2010.
In December I began to talk to a sessiondrummer named Fredrik Widigs from Stockholm, and we decided to use him as a drummer on the new upcoming album. Some weeks later, after I’d decided which songs should be on the album, I sent him the files with recorded guitars and some drum suggestions and let Fredrik do the rest. In the meantime I was talking to my old friend Mathias Nilsson to join Entrails as a rythm guitarplayer and be a part on the new album. He joined and learned the songs. Of course Jocke would handle the vocals once again.. Also my friend “Subtrocity” that had done the previous artwork, was contacted to make the awesome cover and finally I came up with the album title “Tales from the morgue”.
In late April everything was recorded and sent to the legend Dan Swanö for mixing and mastering, After his magic work and for getting the sound we wanted, FDA pressed the album. In june 2010 the album finally had it’s release.

I contacted Adde Mitroulis (Birdflesh, General Surgery) about playing drums for liveshows, and now the “new” Entrails shall face the world by turning back the time and go nostalgic once more.
Finally: It feels great to finally unleash the songs that never had the chance to be recorded 15-19 years ago.
And a year have now gone since the debute of “tales from the Morgue” and a second album have been released.. This time with a full Line up and also FDA Rekotz as the main Label but also with some deal with Dark Descent Records from USA… This time we felt that the album should be released everywhere with full power… This time Cover was painted by a Talanted Swedish guy called Daniel Devilish.
Check him out: http://danieldevilish.wordpress.com/
And As we always say:
Entrails doesn’t come with something new in style.
Entrails doesn’t follow the death metalscene of today
Entrails does what the swedish death metal did best 20 years ago.
Simply playing old school swedish death metal.
And there will be more!!!!!!
– How did you come up with the band’s name?
Well, We wanted to have something that was really nasty since we liked the splattermovies back then so we checked everywhere in books for a good name and then we found Entrails.
Acctually, It was the drummer back then that found the name and it was also him that made the Logo.
– After your hiatus during the 90’s and the later comeback; do you regret of having stopped the band back in the day? How has the Swedish scene changed during all these years?
Yeah ofcourse.. But in the situation that came up i had no option doing it different.
The scene have changed very much.. the scene into music all over have changed very much… Its not at all like it was back compared for today.. Today its more easy to have something recorded for an example.
And The bands were better back then.. sad but true.. nothing can beat the originals..
– Whe you were formed you didn’t release any full-length album; why did it take you so long?
Well. We were so young and without money and for that small time we had in studio we wasnt really ready to record anything so the result become thereafter.
– You are now the only original member in the band, so I would like you to tell us a bit what happened to the original line-up, how did you choose your mates, etc.
We were 4 guys back then, I that played guitars and did the vocals. Then the other guitarguy are today playing in some other bands in sweden, The drummer left town and moved to Stockholm, The bassplayer become a Elvis Worshipper.
– Since 2008 you have released two demos and two full-length albums, one per year. Can we then expect another album for 2012?
We are aiming for that.
– Your latest release is «The Tomb Awaits»; how has been its feedback?
Pretty good.. Many great reviews are written with full house in rating.. But hell.. there are always people that dont like it and they do whatever

they can to be heard at forums around.. But since we aint a new Justin Timberlake and play for those mongoloids. We dont really care about it.
– It seems there’s nowadays a big interest in Death Metal played at the “old school” way; have you noticed this as a band?
Hell yeah.. and its fun that this genre is going up again.. But the music itself have become more and to much brutal and faster with all this grind and technical shit… and that doesnt belong to the real Oldschool that was made in the early 90´s
– I think the new album’s title reflects quite good what the band and the album is all about. How did you come up with it or how good could you say it describes the whole CD?
I came up for the title at my work.. i was having some ideas and suddenly it just came up..
And i think it fits like a glove to the whole album. Hard to describe in words.. its better to listen and see for yourself.
– I have always thought your logo has certain similarity to ENTOMBED’s logo, and this time the cover artwork reminded me to ENTOMBED’s «Left Hand Path». Was this something intended?
Well, i agree that there is some likeness in the logo. But since we use the same font as many other Swedish bands did use back then (Bathory, Carnage, Nihilist, God Macabre and many more) and we have a band name were the three first letters are the same as Entombed´s there are not easy to avoid it to be similar. And its really impressive that everyone just have to mention it. And for the cover we wanted a typical seagravething with some own ideas and if people think its look like LHP its up to them to think so.. it was not ment to be from the beginning..
– Dispite this I think your sound is more brutal and uptempo, maybe more similar to bands as DISMEMBER. Anyway, what are your musical influences?
You think? Cool. My Influences is very variable.. all kinds of metal and heavy music is my influences but the biggest ones is for sure: Old Metallica (82-83) Old Slayer (83-90) Maiden, Accept, Helloween, Black Sabbath, Ozzy, Among many more bands, When The Dm came around My Influences were Those more famous Bands that got their stuff recorded at Sunlight (Carnage, Entombed, Dismember and more) Also bands outside sweden like Cancer and Morgoth, Hellhammer and all those classic bands that have their time in early 90´s
– And how do you feel about being compared to bands as CARNAGE or DISMEMBER? Do you prefer stand by yourself?
Thats great.. Since the beginning of Entrails in the 90´s we have wanted to sound and play the typical swedish DM as all other swedish bands tried to do, and being compared to them is awesome.. Sure.. stand by yourself is something every bands wants to do.. But for today its really hard if you dont have this big label really helping you out..

– As I said, I think your sound is quite more devastating than many bands into this style but, what do you think makes you stand out among other bands in the genre?
There was this time when those bands record their albums in sunlight studios and they got this megafat sound that ever was. Hm2 Chainsaw sound with judgment day drums. and this particilar sound is the sound we search for.. and then meaty riffs that really makes your head wanna swing. Haha
And am not into this ultraspeed and unhearable riffs.. i like it more organised and more simplyfied stuff.
– Anyway the album is quite varied, with different elements, tempos, guitar tones, etc. How was the songwriting process like? Was a spontaneous effort?
90% Of all the songs and riffs were made in the 90´s so after listening to old taperecordings and some work with re-recording and different tryouts the songs became quite good i think.. it takes some old passion to make such songs that we have done.. simply doing songs that we prefer to listen at ourselfes..
– This album is like going back to the early Swedish Death Metal days. How easy is it to keep alive this old school spirit in 2011? I mean in the production as well.
As i said.. it takes a lot of this old passion to music to have it alive.. to day the mostly o the new music must be so unbelieveble technical and brutal… i cant feel a thing when i listen at it.. the music must have IT to get me on the mood..
– And talking about this, are you satisfied with the production Dan Swanö did?
Hell yeah.. Dan is really the man that can bring this old sound back to the surface again.. He knowed exactly what i ment in changing here and there and the next mix i got from him was a punch in the face so to speak..
– When you were formed the competition back then in Sweden was quite huge, with bands such as MERCILESS, UNLEASHED or ENTOMBED (just to name a few) starting their strong careers. Do you think if you would have released an album back then you could ever have been as big as them?
Impossible to say.. But if we had got something released i would say we wouldnt be dont far behind those bands..
– And finally, what are your near-future plans after releasing this new effort?
Selling the music ofcourse.. Doing some shows and then sit and make more DM in the winter time.
– That’s all from my side, thanks again for your time. If you now want to add some final words; last lines are all yours.
Well, Keep on buying the music and Merch to support the Underground DM