– How has been the feedback for «Secret Passion» so far?
Amazing,its very nice to hear which songs are the favorit ones to people since the cd is so diverce.. So i love to keep in touch by the people who have bought the cd on facebook and e.mail.Answer any qestion they may have..Thats an onner for me.

– For that I’ve seen so far, it’s being overwhelming, did you expect such response?
Totally supraising in a posetiv way.I think thats the best way to not expect to mush and if it than turns out to something posetiv you actually jump around of happiness(at least i did)he he..

– I think «Secret Passions» is your most mature album so far. How do you see has been your evolution since your debut?
The evolution have been an growing process..In an posetiv direcsion.. And we have also listened a lot to the people who buy our music or been to our shows what they missed on the last or would like better and offcourse also what they liked;-). They are the ones who have to be satisfaid with the cd in the end.So i wanne thank for every feedback we have got from you all.It have been very helpfull. And than we all together created something really special.Thats so cool!!!

– Have been 4 years since your previous «Queen of Light». What has the band been up to during this time?
Privat issues in our seperat lifes..guess thats something that  happens to everyone. That you kind of have to push everything away for to have all the energy and thoughts for one thing. For me that was angel(my daughter)and buying a house plus educasion etc. But also jan yrlund had some new supraises in his privat life..So thats why:-)and it will never happen again..We are now already ready for record another album whenever:-)

– In fact, between «The Ancient Dance of Qetesh» and your second release, we had to wait 3 years. Leaving this time between each release is just coincidence?
Had all to do with my life situasion.The cd after ancient dance of qetesh came the cd angel out on the greek label inbetween..(will light a cigarette now):-)

– When I listened to «Secret Passion» it left a more positive feeling on me than «Queen of Light» did, I cannot say is a happy album either, but the feeling it provides seems to be more positive. Is there any reason for this? Do the band members life affect your compositions?
If im happy, they are happy he he.No joking.It has a different tuning.Thats one reason.but another is in general i never beeen as happy as now.I do miss a man in my life though.you know (the right one)im romantic so i believe its another half somewhere out there;-)

– Anyway, we can find all sort of emotions; what feelings can we travel through while listening to this record?
All from dark depressions,lonlyness,romance,sexual desires,motherhood,dissepoinments and happiness.In general all emosions in life..in good and bad times..

– And what are the main lyrical ideas?
I do my best to write the lyricks in a way that the audience understand and can make surten songs like theyr own if you know what i mean.Like fit a song with the story in theyr to theyr own,close to the heart. And i write onnest.I dont spare the secret topicks.I think the secret topicks are the ones who needs to break free from the silence true music..

– I could say this is your most varied album so far, has been something planned to make your music more interesting?
I would have loved to use more liveinstruments like violin and chello,Maybe an acustic album once.I dont know.Im open for everything as long as its music and that its pure and real..

– One of the tracks that caught my attention was «Suicide», which is pretty heavy, dark and has an original intro, I dare say is one of the most outstanding songs in the album. What can you tell us about it and it’s story?
When i was 12 years old i tried to commit suecide..Im not in the mood right now to think and talk to mush about it(im sorry for that).But as you understand its personal lyrick also..

– Another outstanding track could be the ballad «Let Down», where we can even find a cello. Why did you decide to include that instrument? What feelings provides to this concrete track?
The chello its such an beutiful instrument.It fits the song perfect.This is a song you feel everyone have let you down and you are sad and depressed.Feeling lost. Dont wanne see the world how it is now with all its greed and ego..To be let down can be everything from that a father commit incest on his daughter to parent violence to theyr own kids. Those children loose all faith in human kind.And all trust.And you feel let down….Actually by the person(s) in your life who should be the ones to trust…..

– Now that I mentioned the cello, we can find some guest artists in «Secret Passion», so please tell us a bit about it (who are they, why did you choose them and what ahve they brought to each track they have collaborated in, etc.)
This was more the work of Jan so i cant answer this qestion fully.He made this beutiful song and fixed with the chello player..Which was such an amazing idea..

– Some of you live in different countries if I’m not wrong, how do you use to work and rehearsal?
We rehearse in the country of the gig happening. And the rest of contact we do true skype since every member lives in a different country. We also rehearse on our own at home..Its a matter of trust to be able to this in this way. And we all trust eachother totally…

– In fact, the album has been recorded in different studios from different countries, I guess living far one from each other has been the main reason for this? Has been comfortable to work like this?
I think this was actually a nice way to work.All the time supraises and every artist had the freedom to do theyr part without any other say left or right,good or bad..So again this was the trust who carried us true..

– The CD has been mixed and mastered by Jacob Hansen, whom has worked with several and well known bands. How has been working with him? Are you guys pleased with the result achieved?
I just have one sentence to say about him..He is amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!really!!!and i wanne say thank you:)

– The cover has been done by Jan Yrlund, so I guess, as he’s a band members, that process was easier I mean, I imagino he really knew what you wanted and how you wanted…
Yes he knows me very well,he also understands me very well so we think in the same direcsion when it comes to any art..

– And what does the cover represent?
It represent what the songs is about and the feel of the whole cd as one..

– If I’m not wrong, this is your last album for Massacre Records, since you signed a 2 record deal with them but, have you already thought about any other record label or keep on working with them in the future?
That depends on how mush we sell of secret passion..If it sells go
od il take it from there.but i personally at least would love to do another angel album chapter 2.And at least two more imperia cd,s..

– Before ending this interview I would like to know what’s the IMPERIA’s secret passion?
Than its not secret anymore;-)(smiling)

– And finally, what are your near-future plans? Can we expect from IMPERIA?
We would like to play some live.but we are really interested to play in any country we havent yet. So a tour would be really nice though.. So i have to start working on that..but you can expect ,that we will do our best to please our audience and fans… To give back some of what they actually have given us..

– That’s all, thank you so much for your time. If you want to add any final words, last lines are yours.
Wish you all a nice summer full of adventure and good music.. I believe and think in the way.. We live only once.So make the best out of it.Experience as mush as possebel. Make as many as your personal dreams and wishes come true before its tolate.. And dont forget the people around you…hugs and kisse
Helena iren Michaelsen(imperia)

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