avatar2Queens of Steel is a music (Rock / Metal mainly) webzine and radio show that was born in 2005 with the only aim of supporting artists and spreading their music. We are not an association, just some music lovers that have been dedicating most of their time to support music for the last decade. We don’t get any help, we don’t have any kind of publicity, everything that we do is financed entirely by ourselves, but after a decade we need your help to keep on keeping Rock and Metal alive. To keep the fire of the underground alive as we have been done until now. We have never done this to get any money, our site has never been flooded with banners, we only need to recover expenses in order to do what we have always done: to support artists, promoters, PR agencies, labels… And to offer our readers a daily updated webzine with the best and most diverse possible articles. We need your help to exist for some more years.


Thank you for being with us throughout this last decade!!!! Hope this has been just the beginning. To make it happen just go to the following link.


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