– Hello, thanks for taking your time. How is everything doing right now into the VICTIMS’ camp?
Sorry for the late reply. All is well. I guess we are really nervous about playing Hellfest this weekend. We are scared of big stages. But all is fine otherwise. Tempels Fest was cancelled but we made it to the UK anyways.


– What’s keeping you guys busy?
School and work. Families and kids. Trying to enjoy what they call ”summer” here in Sweden.

­– First off, could you please make some bried history of the band?
Started in 1997ish. I joined the band in 2002 so cant really tell about the history except ”they” were fucking fantastic from when i heard the demo-tape and great people when i met them on shows and eventually my band Acursed went on tour with them in 99 (?). We just keep going.

­– You have just released your newest album, entitled «Sirens». What are your expectations on this record? And how are the reactions being thus far?
victimsOnly positive so far. I dont really read reviews. When we’re finished in the studio thats the feeling im more interested in. ”Are we happy and can stand by this release?” This time it was a ”yes” again.

­ – This is your first full length since 2011. How has the band evolved througout this period? Will we have to wait some more 5 years until your next album?
I’d say that our personal lives have evolved/got more busy more than the band. We have a very good thought of how we want to sound and we follow that line. And yes I guess next album will be in maybe 4-5 years, but who knows?

­- I could say you are somehow recapturing ther angst of old school Crust.  Could you say the band is also some kind of outlet for your thoughts and emotions?
I personally HATE te term ”crust”. We are not a crust band. But yes, the band is very much an outlet for our emotions. We all need this band on different levels I think. I’ve been in bands/playing shows/recording since i was 14. The same goes for my brothers. It’s in our DNA to have a band and do shows and records. Also we never wanted to sound like any old or new band, we just write the songs we like to play and that’s it.

­– I think you are improving your songwriting skills with every album. Could you say progression is a constant process?
Thank you so much for the compliment. An easy answer would be ”yes”. I guess we accepted that we actually CAN go beyond three and four minutes if the song requires it. That wouldn’t have happened ten years ago. I also feel that from my point of view our choruses are a bit stronger these days.

­- Due to this I would like to know how is the songwriting process like for a band like you. Is like releasing your daily fury?
I’m angry and hateful 24/7 and dealing with that Victims is a part of the process. Most songs are actually a spur of the moment thing. I show the guys a riff and we go from there. The perfect example of this is the song Errors. I came up with the verse and the chorus ”wrote itself” and when it came to the middle part I think i had seen a Thin Lizzy live show and wanted something like that. Easy but something you remember. It became one of the songs I’m most proud to have (co-)written. The process was 20 minutes.

­ – As for the cover artwork, what did you ant to depict with it?
Thats a question for Andy really, but I think his thought we should have something more abstract. It has a cold feeling not just angry, this is just what I personally think.

­– All this about «Sirens» being said; how could you describe it in just 3 words?
No happy songs.


­ – The Swedish scene has always been quite healthy into several styles, Crust not being an exception. What less known bands into your style could you suggest?
I dont listen to d-beat at all. I enjoy it live (and drunk). But Infernöh and Fy Fan! are great.
The latest trend in Sweden is trying to sound japanese noise hardcore but none of them will come close to victims sirens coverD-clone.

– What do you think is the reason why Sweden is one of the main havens for extreme music?
Imagine having a vision to be in a band when your 13. All you really had to do was to get instrument and everything else is provided for you. That was the case in the 90’s at least.

­ – You’ve been active since the late 90’s. Could you say the scene is know in better shape than ever? How is it compared to back in the 90’s?
I’d say Victims play very diverse shows these days than back then. We supported Terror at a SXE venu for instance. That wouldn’t have happened ten years ago.

­ – 20 years is quite a lot so, what do you think have been the best and worst moments of VICTIMS to date?
Best is we’re still around and good friends. Worst times were when we had to fire our bass player.

­– And finally, what are now your near­future plans?
A few festivals and then planning for our 20th anniversary!


­- That’s all, thank you once more for answering our questions. If you want to add some final words; feel free to do it.
Thanks to everyone who still support Victims and you Sergio for showing interest!


Sergio Fernández

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