1- Hello, thanks for answering to our questions. What are you guys currently up to?
Cloak: We are currently in an intense writing period and are very close to being done with the first full length album. If I had to guess, we’ll begin recording it in the early Fall. People should expect something great…something different for a change.



2- First off, could you make some history of the band?
Cloak: We started playing together in late 2013 but after a year or so of hiatus due to other projects, we picked Cloak back up and it is going stronger than ever. This band is now the center focus of our lives and we have cloakdeveloped a very strong and creative chemistry with each other.

3- How could you describe your sound?
Cloak: Eerie and captivating. Beautiful and dangerous. Cloak is about that sort of duality; high and low. The band is a projection of everything inside of us that has been waiting to be released. On a more technical level, a lot of people describe us as having a strong black metal sound with the backbone of a powerful rock band. We don’t need to rely on constant blast beats to penetrate the hearts of our audience.


4- What are the band’s main musical influences?
Cloak: We have many. Anything from Bathory to Sisters of Mercy, or from Deep Purple to Dissection. We listen to tons of music but obviously the darker bands are what directly influence Cloak on a musical level. Horror movie soundtracks are definitely a big inspiration as well. Just to name a few: Suspiria, Phantasm, The Fog, and House of the Devil are all amazing.

Photo by David Parham
Photo by David Parham

5- How is the feedback for your new album being?
Cloak: We shall see. The streaming will start within the next couple of weeks. From the people we have personally shown, we have gotten a great response and they believe in the band just as much as we do.

6- And are your personally satisfied with the final outcome?
Cloak: I would say we are. There are things that we’ve taken note about that we’ll do differently when we record our full length though. For the introduction of Cloak into the world, I would say it’s a very powerful debut.


7- How could you describe this opus in just 3 words?
Cloak: Haunting. Alluring. Venomous.


8- How has the production process for your new release been?
Cloak: Boris has been a great label to work with and everybody else that had to do with the production of the music worked very hard to get the product that we were aiming for. The band is also more than happy with the cover art which was drawn by Artem Grigoryev.


9- And how do you use to work on the songwriting?
Cloak: We usually will bring a riff into the rehearsal room and it takes off from there. We tend to write very fast when the song has the right feel. There have been many that we had to abandon for a later time because they just didn’t work.

10 – Finally, what are you near-future plans?
Cloak: Well aside from the full length, we plan to tour in the not so distant future. We’re always up to something whether it’s writing, designing, playing live, or contemplating. Stagnation isn’t an option.



Photo by David Parham
Photo by David Parham

11- That’s all from our side, thanks again for taking your time to answer our questions. If you now want to add some final words; feel free to do it.
Cloak: Look out for the new 7 inch on Boris Records to be released on June 20th!

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