1. Hello, thanks for answering to our questions. What are you guys currently up to?
Hi! It’s Istvan from the Hungarian Symphony of Symbols. Luckily everything is fine with us here!
2. First off, could you make some history of the band?
I started playing music with Sanyi in 1997, one year later arrived Tomi. The three of us became the main band, the main guitar-drum-bass part which wrote complete songs, not only the sketches. Then some people came and some people left, and finally the „Fall of Enigma” demo was born. Is as long as an album. The people who played in this demo with us left. 5-6 years ago we found the perfect instrumental supplement, the other guitar player, Zsolti. Very soon Sanyi joined us, who is known from Gutted. With this strong team we did the „Stupefying Beliefs” album.
3. How could you describe your sound?
We were born with old death- and black metal band’s albums, so due to this I don’t want to play plastic, steril and too modern sounds. Our stuff is dirty but understandable, David from NoiseLab Studio knew exactly how this music has to sound.
4. What are the band’s main musical influences?
Of course, in our childhood we had Metallica-Slayer-Sepultura age. Thanks to them we now love electric guitar. After this, heavier music arrived; we got the first tape by Cannibal Corpse, then Suffocation, Death, Emperor, Morbid Angel. We were impressed by them.
5. How is the feedback for your new album being?
We know that it is hard to digest our album, it needs to pay attention because we did not pay any attention to the convetions and trends in Metal music. So that people that can only accept the ordinariest kind of metal songs, they won’t neccessarily like our music. Luckily, there are some more patient and open minded-critics and they wrote good reviewss and liked the fact we are doing something different compared to other bands. Right now you can find a lot of unvarying, all-the-same music, but the point of Metal music is the versatility. Those bands that make music according to the expectations and trends, are not honest musicians.
6. And are your personally satisfied with the final outcome?
We only want to serve our own purpose, then we are very pleased if someone else likes our music. We’ve got to hear several critics and we are
satisfied. We got the information that metal radios in Ukraine, Poland and Indonesia are playing some of our songs from the album.
7. How could you describe this opus in just 3 words?
Complicated, Labirinthyne, Heavy
8. How has the production process for your new release been?
It’s 5 of us and we live in 3 different cities. The songs compile in traditional tryouts. As there are 25-30 themes in one song then we started to lock the first two. Guitar players provide their own riffs. From these components we make a song, then everybody has the chance to supervise a theme.
9. And how do you use to work on the songwriting?
I wrote the lyrics of the songs of the «Stupefying..» album. I liked it. It was a big job, several memo borned then once the complete lyric became. Poor Sanyi, he had to work a lot to fix these huge lyrics into the 10minute long songs. On these songs I wanted to criticize to uncomfortable limits. The whole album has one theme, which its story is: A beliefs of a colony said, every year they had to sacrifice one of us to protect the colony from the revenge of God. After this the dead man meets the God, who says to him that he doesn’t need any sacrifice, his colony had a wrong religion, it is a dead-end, just a tool of the religious leaders, an intimidation to hold their power. The God sends back the dead man to life as a preacher to reform their religion.
Because this story is a concept I had to sit next to it and write continously.
10. Finally, what are you near-future plans?
20th birthday publication will come out through our publisher, Metal Scrap Records. On this record, each band will bring 1-2 new song. We have the new song now for it. During these days our first official video was released. A video for „Things That Only the Magus Knows”. This song is the longest and most labirinthyne of all of them. After this, we’d like to come up with an EP. We have started to write it. A few concerts are under organization, so we are now on a very busy period.
11. That’s all from our side, thanks again for taking your time to answer our questions. If you now want to add some final words; feel free to do it.
Thank you for the opportunity. You can find us at our official website:, on Facebook:, watch our videos on youtube:
Keep thinking, mankind! We can only call ourselves human till we use our brain!