– Hello, thanks for your time. What are you currently up to?

Mathieu Vilandre: Hey, no problem! We are working on new material.

Actually, we just starting demoing all that stuff. Apart from that, we’re all working our god damn jobs and waiting to go back on the road.

– First of all, could you please make some history of FUCK THE FACTS?

Vil: It started as Topon’s solo project back in the late 90’s and became a band in 2001.

Throughout the years, the band released numerous splits, EPs and albums with a variety of line-ups. We’ve hit the road regularly and enjoyed the occasional beer.


– How did you come up with the band’s name?

Vil: I think someone was talking about our music, in the early stages of the band.

He said «Facts don’t lie and one of them is that your band sucks.» and us to reply in unison «Fuck the facts!». Or its a Naked City song, I’m not sure anymore.


– And what are the band’s main musical influences?

Vil: We all listen to different stuff but it all sounds like Converge to me. It goes from Origin to Black Breath but we concentrate ourselves on ripping off Morbid Angel. Everyone in the band writes music and we all have different reference points and bands we like. We draw a lot from bands we have toured with, in many ways they inspire us.


– You have just released your latest «Die Miserable», how are the first reactions being? Are they fulfilling your expectations?

Vil: It’s hard to really get a feel of the reactions but I think the response is good.

We’re happy with the album and that’s the most important thing for us.

As long as we are proud of sharing our work then everything is good.


– Now starting to get a bit into this latest piece; why such title? And what’s the concept behind this new effort?

Vil: We do like to fuck around with album titles, I’ll tell ya that.

The next one involves a tasty fruit or does it? I wouldn’t say theres a concept behind the album, nothing like Disgorge Mexico that is.

I see it as the expression of a certain sentiment one has towards his life, life in general and the ultimate faith we all share. We’re a bunch of goths.


– This album has different parts or passages quite varied and differenced between them, showing you have never copyied yourselves nor have done the same thing twice. Is this an important part of the band? Is it something planned to keep things dynamic hence interesting?

Vil: We love to try different things, I think that our music shows that.

It’s not a planned approach towards music, we just try shit.

I think we do it naturally, it’s our defence mechanism against getting bored with our own music.

We love to apply stupid and frivolous ideas to our band.

Hence why many jokes end up being album titles, songs and melodies.


– Anyway your music has always been really varied, mixing elements from different music styles but, how could you describe the band’s sound?

Vil: The word I like best is abrasive.

Its easier to use a qualitative to describe it then a specific genre of metal.

People still refer to us as «grindcore» but it’s a semi true.

True grindcore fans would probably puke listening to Die Miserable.

Or maybe grindcore is just not what it used to be?


– And due to this I would like to know how was the songwriting process for «Die Miserable» or how tends to be like in the band. With all those different influences, does each member add its own touch?

Disgorge Mexico was mainly written while jamming.

Witch is quite different then with Die Miserable.

Me, Topon and Marc wrote songs for the album.

It obviously gives it a different character.

Topon really likes to write with everybody being involved, jamming is the best way to do it.

I prefer writing in front of a computer, by myself, like a real nerd.

I usually bring complete songs to the guys with guitars and drums.

Marc usually does the same.

Sometimes, its uncompleted songs that we start jamming and building around.


– Have been 3 years between your previous «Disgorge Mexico» and this brand new «Die Miserable», something innovative for you guys considering the studio activity you have always had (sometimes even releasing more than one single full-length album the samer year), was there any concrete reason for this? Maybe your short-length pieces slowed down things a bit with a view to this new album?

Vil: We didn’t really intended to release Die Miserable so much later but that bitch of a life makes it so complicated sometimes.

The post production of the album took more time then expected and it pushed back everything.

We’re hoping to have a smaller gap between Die Miserable and the next full length.


– This record is your first full-length with your new bass player, Marc Bourgon. How’s everything going with him so far? What has he brought to FUCK THE FACTS?

It’s also our first full length with new guitarist Johny Ibay.

Everything is going great, he adds a totally new dimension to the band.

He’s got a particular style.

It’s good for me and Topon to play with other musicians, forces us to do different things.

For a while, musically, it was only me and Topon.

It’s hard to renew yourself in such a context.


– In fact you are the only foudner member remaining as the line-up has changed several times; could you say this current line-up is a steady one?

Vil: In fact, I’m not Topon Das.

I’m Vil but I’v been in the band for close to 7 years now.

It is by far the most stable line-up we’ve had, I think Topon would agree.

The same line-up for two albums in a row?

Now that’s crazy talk!


– A few months ago you did some 10th anniversary shows. What are your memories form that tour?

Vil: We’re getting old.

For me, it’s a bit crazy because I joined the band at 19 and I’m freaking 26 now.

We’re talking about the majority of my adult life spent in this band.

It’s just great to see that a band like us can keep going for so long.

We just do what we want to do.


– And with a view to your future, what’s left for you to get with FUCK THE FACTS after a decade of existence for the band?

Vil: We’ll keep doing what we’re doing.

We’re getting older so we have to adapt to our lives.

More music, more shows!


– Finally, what can we expect from you guys in a near-future?

Vil: We’ll be hitting the road in early 2012 around Québec and Ontario.

Then Europe in early march.

Hopefully, new music will follow soon enough!


– That’s all, thanks again for your time. If you now want to add some final thoughts, take the last lines.

Vil: Thanks to you! Grind!

Sergio Fernández



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