– Hi, thanks for your time. What are you currently up to? How is everything doing right now with MANTICORE?

Hails! Thanks for the support! Right now we have just gotten off the road with Deiphago after doing 7 shows in the Midwest/northeast US, taking a couple days off, and then back to rehearsal/writing new material.

– First off, for all those who aren’t familiar with the band yet; could you please share some history of MANTICORE?

I and Satanael(ex gtr/vox) formed the band in 2000 with the Wrangler(drums) and released our first LP “Ritual Cleansing of the Whore” a few months later, from there we played some European shows, released a couple more full-lengths, 3 splits with Morbosidad/Necroholocaust/Grave Upheaval, and now “Behold the Ascension of the Execrated” Along the way, Naberius replaced Satanael and has added his vomits to the last 2 splits and the new release.


– From your previous «For Rats and Plague» and your new album have been 6 years. Why has taken you so long to finally unleash your latest opus? Will we have to wait that much until the next one?

Life!!!! School, Mortgages, kids, all that played into the long extended break, but I can assure you that the Beast is back and ready to destroy!!! There will not be 6 years to wait to hear our filth again.


– This new record is entitled «Behold the Ascension of the Execrated», what are your expectations on it?

We basically have no expectations when we reléase music…we write what we like and what we want to hear. If other people like it, that is great, if not, we are fine with that as well.


– It’s an album full of unpleasant and suffocatin atmospheres. In fact the atmosphere seems to play an important role on your music but, what are they use in such an obvious way? I mean, atmospehre doesn’t seem to be there just for the sake of it, in fact I personally think it enhances the overall feeling the album has.

Thanks for noticing this. All of us like the most simple and pure sounds of metal; Venom, Archgoat, Gehenna, since this is what we listen to the most, those sounds seem to creep into the music as we are writing. Everything is recorded live so as to get the most primitive feelings from the music,


– And where do you take inspiration from to create them?

Our inspiration is the world and sound around us, Pure Filth!!! Just take one look around yourself, and it is easy to write hymns of hatred that lash out at the scum mentality that has permeated this earth.


– The CD also has a really filthy sound that gives an old school flavour to the whole record. Why and how important is for MANTICORE to have this rough and not overproduced sound?

We have always been about simple production. We are a 3 piece and as such, want the recordings to reflect that. Live you won’t hear 2 guitar tracks, or overdubbed bass lines, so why add that bullshit on the recordings.


– And talking about such; how was the production process like? Who did take such duties?

Recording this album was one of the easiest things I have ever done. We had Don from Chaosstudios bring his portable recording equipment to our basement rehearsal spot and we recorded the album live, just like a practice. We feel he captured the exact sound that you hear when you are standing in the room with us.


– I’d even dare say «Behold the Ascension of the Execrated» is your heaviest and thickest record to date. Was this something you were striving for? I mean, do you always have a clear vision of how do you want each album to sound like or do you just let things flow naturally?

We always have an idea of what we want, but are willing to just play and see where it takes us. We were just trying to reléase an álbum that captured us at our sickest, and we think we have done that.


– This time around the cover artwork is just superb. Would you mind to tell us what’s the meaning behind it and how did you work on its creation?

The artwork is amazing!!! All credit goes to Nestor Avalos for that.. I gave him a couple of ideas, but basically left it up to him to do his magic. He kept us up to date with sketches, but the main idea is his, while the name came from Naberius.


– «Behold the Ascension of the Execrated» has been your first release with Deathgasm Records; how is everything going with them so far?

Deathgasm also released “For Rats and Plague” and was great with all of his help and support. Butchered was originally doing it, but he got ahold of me and said Evan was interested in releasing it with him if we were ok with it, of course we are, Deathgasm is a solid label with a sick roster and great support!!


– All this about «Behold the Ascension of the Execrated» being said; how could you describe it in just 3 words?

Vile, Unadulterated Filth!!!


– You are hailing from the US, and it seems to be there a strong Death and Black Metal scene, ever growing, in fact nowadays there are a lot of new bands coming out, old ones reuniting or even some «all-star acts» formed by seasoned artists into the extreme Metal scene but, how do you think has this scene changed/evolved in USA in the last few years? What bands could you suggest?

There seems to be a resurgance in thrash again, with the younger kids finding the music of my generation finally!! Alot of them are willing to hit the road which is good, and makes us old guys have to step up our game, which is good for everyone out there. Some of my favorites right now are Martyrvore, Witch King, Satanik Goat Ritual… there are plenty of killer bands coming from the US right now, it’s hard to just think of a few.


– And finally, what are your near-future plans?

For now, we are working on writing some new stuff once again, and then plan to hit the road next spring/summer for a few more shows before hopefully being in the studio again next fall/winter.


– That’s all, thank you once more for answering our questions. If you want to add some final words; feel free to do it.

Thank you again for the support and for helping to spread the filth!!!! Many successes!!!


Sergio Fernández


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