– Hi, thanks for your time. What are you currently up to? How is everything doing right now with MAGNUM?

Hi, Thanks for the interview. Well I have just got back from doing a couple of shows in Sweden, and I have to say it was great. The fans gave us such a welcome. It seems they al like the new album. We did the Sweden Rock cruise and another show in Jonkoping. We had a lot of fun. We hope we can get back to Sweden very soon and do a lot more shows for the fans that seem to want us back, it was a great weekend of shows for us.

– If I’m not mistaken you are now rehearsing for your upcoming tour. What are your expectations on it?

We have a few day off and then we go back in to rehearsals for the tour. We are adding some more songs to the set some which have not been done for a long time and some tracks from the new album. We are really looking forward to touring some new material as we feel it`s going sound great live. We always hope that everyone hears the songs they would like to hear on tour, it`s always very difficult to please everyone. We have to be happy with what songs we do and we just hope the fans enjoy them as much as us. Alan spends a lot of time on the web sites reading what fans like and may be dislike and he tells us these things, we try to take that into account but still remain true to ourselves and try to find a good compromise.


– You will be touring in support of your new album, entitled «On the 13th Day». How is its feedback being so far?

We will be doing about 4 or 5 new tracks from the new album. We like to play new material as we have spent a long time putting it together and we feel it`s a strong album we want everyone to hear it. We have had All the dreamers in the set for a short while, about 3 shows we have been opening with it. It`s gone down very well indeed, and it`s great to play live, we really get a kick out of how big it sounds. The fans seem to like it a lot and we all think it`s a great start to a show. But nothing is written in stone as things can change at any moment by the time we get on stage.


– After a superb «The Visitation», I think MAGNUM has gone back to its roots with this new opus. Was this something you were looking for or did you just let things flow naturally?

We never really have any plans in mind. we never sit down and say we will do the album like this. it`s a natural process and it continually evolves right up to the last breath and then release. So no there was no conscious effort to make it sound a particular way.


– After giving this record some spins, I could say keyboards are getting a bigger role into your music with each new opus so, what do keys provide to the MAGNUM’s sound?

The add quite a lot. They are used in many ways. We use them as a key melody instrument an also use a lot of sounds to put other layers into the music. Magnum have always had a big keyboard sound and i suppose it does make Magnum sound like Magnum. We try to find a balance between good keyboard sounds but keep guitar bass and drums well up in the mix after all we are a rock band. The most important thing at the end of the day is the song, the melody has to be good. So what ever instrument lends it self to making it the best possible we will go with that.


– Anyway guitar is still the main instrument in your creations. How did you approach this time around your guitar work?

Well I write predominately on guitar so yes the songs will always have a lot of guitar in them, but as I said there are may be some passages I have written on guitar but sound better on keys so it gets changed. With technology the way it is these days it`s a lot quicker to try out ideas and not use up lots of tape and time. i think this helps push the songs to another level and I suppose has developed a along with the band and how we record.


– Moreover you are the main songwriter in the band. Where do you draw inspiration from and how do you manage to come up with such interesting melodies?

The world around us is full of information. You just have to stop and listen and look. It could be just a passing conversation with a stranger or a news real and it will spark a thought. It`s life and it`s always changing and gives you a lot to think about, we don’t always a gee without eh things that go on around us and this can be a good source of inspiration. Every time i sit down to write a new album I have to ask my self how do I do this, but slowly melodies and words will come. It`s hard work at times and is sometime a relief to get to the end of it. But when you hear people like what you and the band have achieved it can be rewarding.


– Once more the cover artwork has been crafted by seasoned Rodney Matthews (whom has work with the likes as ASIA or NAZARETH among others). Would you mind to tell us how did you work on it and what did you want to express with the cover?

Rodney has done a lot of work for us and many bands over the years. We meet up and discuss the ideas i have in mind. He pretty much sits next to me and makes some sketches. I will say yeh I like that or no get rid of that I mean more like this… and thats the way we develop the cover,he then goes away and comes back with stunning work. He is a very talented guy and always a pleasure to work with.


– All this about «On the 13th Day» being said; how could you describe this new piece in just 3 words?



– You’ve been around with MAGNUM for 4 decades now, which is a quite long musical career so, what do you think have been both the best and worst moments with/for MAGNUM to date?

It has been a long time hasn’t it? The best things are being able to do what you want with our music. It can take you lots a of great places and you can meet and see some great people along the way. The hardest thing is not to be too influenced by negative things around you. travelling can be great but is also tiring but I like to travel and see the world so hard to find the down side to be honest.


– Throughout all these years the music world has changed a lot, and I think the Internet has also had a huge impact on it, as some other technological tools. What are your thoughts on the Internet? Could you say there are now too many similar bands that have forgotten about having an essence and delivering feeling?

The internet is great for leang people know what you are doing and touring etc. It can be a great way to get the music out there to people far and wide. It`s also a horrible way to loose your music to torrent sites etc. But thats just part of the new web world. You have to accept it almost. Technology is a great help in the studio making things quicker and more simple and cost effective. It cost a lot to record and use studios these days so we need to be quite quick. Technology helps us do this. i hope a feel that we have not lost any feeling using the tools we have available to us and only hope that it improves the sound and gives fans the very best music possible.


– And finally, what are your near-future plans?

Well a few days rest and then back to rehearsals for the tour to promote the album. it`s quite exciting.


– That’s all, thank you once more for answering our questions. If you want to add some final words; feel free to do it.

Just to say thank you for everyone who still comes to our shows, the fans for buying ht new album and giving us the best chart position we have had since the 90`s. We are looking forward to playing lots of shows and we hope to play a lot more if people will have us. We have a great crew and people behind Magnum making a lot of things happen, so just want to say cheers to everyone for making it happen.

See you on tour we hope! TONY


Sergio Fernández



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