– Hi, thanks for your time. What are you currently up to? How is everything doing right now with FASTWAY?

A. Read On….

– «Eat Dog Eat» was your first release in over 20 years; what were you up to in the meanwhile?

A.. Fastway finished in 1990 after a couple of albums that were not really representative of what Fastway was in my mind, meant to be. So I put Fastway to bed and started work on a solo album which was completed in 1993. The album was not very well received and I decided to go to the west of Engaland and have some time away from it all. I was still playing a bit but nothing serious.

In 2000 Lemmy contacted me and asked me to make an appearance at the 25th anniversary concert. After this I moved back to London, built a little studio and started getting to grips with Recording on computers. After a few years recording with computers I was asked to do an Anthology album for Sanctuary which I completed in 2006.This kind of gave me a taste for doing live shows so when in 2007 an old drummer friend suggested we do some Fastway shows I was ready to go and couldn,t wait to get started. It was at this time I first met Toby Jepson as my drummer friend got him in for an audition and it worked out really well. We had John Mcmanus from the Mama’s Boys on bass guitar so we were ready to do some shows.


– And after so many years, has the songwriting process changed?

This time it was different as with Motorhead and the First Fastway the writing was done in the rehearsal room. You know someone has an idea and you start jamming on it and work it into a song.The material for the EDE album was done in my studio. This time the process was different mainly because I already had most of the riffs and song ideas so it was all done sitting down which as it turned out worked really well. We had a great chemistry and all the songs were written in 3x 3day sessions we really were cooking. I had loads of riffs ready to go and that helped it come together more easily as most of our songs are riff based. We did some final touches at rehearsals before we went into the studio to start recording. There were adjustments made in a live situation which gave the whole thing a real feel.


– In fact this was your first record con Toby Jepson. What could you say has he brought to FASTWAY?

We had done quite a few shows together in 2007/8 and we just seemed to work well together. We were always on the same page which made the whole thing that much easier. He had a great voice and was not scared by hard work. He does suffer from the singer thing of always looking for something else to do which was to bring an end to this version of Fastway as he decided to put his old band back together (Little Angels) rather than tour with Fastway.


– The album seemed to got really good reviews but, did the overall response reached your expectations?

The reviews have been great and I was very pleased with the response. I am not sure what my expectations were but once the album was finished I did think it was a great record. One to be proud off. Of course I was hoping to take Fastway on the road with the record but unfortunately as I just said Toby in usual singer fashion decided he would rather put his old band back together. This made me a little sad as the band was sounding great in rehearsals and I think we could have done some great shows.


– I think this album is a clever bet from the band, polarizing and making people love or hate the album. Do you think this is something positive? And what did you want to achieve with this opus?

As I said I am very proud of this album and I really had a blast making it.For me It had been a long time since I had been in the studio and I had forgotten how great it was when everything was going well and sounding just how you wanted it to. We didn’t really have a plan as such but we did know how we wanted it to sound. Live sounding hard rock with lots of old fashioned sounds and feel just like in the old days. We are both very pleased with the outcome it certainly exceeded our original expectations.


– And if you had released this album back in the 90’s, do you think it would have been that different? If so, what would have been some of the differences?

We certainly couldn’t have really changed anything if it had been the 90’s but I do believe the album would have been hailed back then as a possible classic like the first Fastway album. Sadly we are in 2012 and the business hardly exists now (compared to what it was in my earlier career) I do think it is sad the way the business has gone I do not recognise it any longer .Maybe it is because I am too old.


– Beside the musical content, if you don’t mind, I would also like you to tell us how strong is te link between the lyrics on the album and its cover artwork. What’s hidden behind both things?

There is actually no link between the cover and the lyrics directly. The cover was done after the album was completed. Toby came up with Eat Dog Eat title singers come out with strange things but we both liked it. Toby said it was to mean the opposite of dog eat dog which I guess it does to me it just sounded interesting. We got in touch with American artist James Flames and told him the title and he did the rest. He sent us a selection of ideas and we chose one. He really was a pleasure to work with and really professional which helped us. In the old days the record company and management took care of all that stuff.


– As yourself, we’ve seen several reunions from different Rock bands lately, speciall bands of the 80’s/early 90’s. What do you think is the main reason behind this? In your case, what made you start recording after after none less than 2 decades?

I am not sure about everyone else but as you get older I think you kind of want to have one more go just for the hell of it. Fortunately for us old Rockers people do not mind what age you are so it is quite acceptable to make Records and do Gigs long after your sell by date. For me it was something that happened by accident. Really thanks to my drummer friend Steve Strange. He started the ball rolling in 2007 with the Fastway gigs which gave Toby and I a chance to go one step further. I am glad we did.


– Throughout all these years a lot of things has changed, as technology and specially the Internet. What are your thoughts on this and the impact this kind of tools have had on the music scene/business?

Unfortunately we all get old and the new things that come along never seem so good as they did in your day. But I do believe the way it was in the 60’s and 70’s were great times even the best times. I know when in Motorhead we were treated as outlaws which was great and how we wanted it. Now if you are in a band it is considered normal which in my day it never was. As George Harrison said all things must pass. As I look at the current music scene I see nothing of the way it was or any of the reasons that made me want to get involved in the first place.


– And talking about such, being a steady, seasoned and well-known figure into the Rock world, how do you see the current state of this scene?

I think music is going to struggle for the next few years there really is no money for developing bands as the Record Companies are going out of business. I am confident that eventually the new musicians and bands will find a way forward but I think its going to take time to settle down. I just hope people still enjoy going to gigs so new bands can flourish. For me my time has passed its up to the new kids to a find a way to do there music.


– You’ve been into this world for several years and I guess you may have achieved some of your goals but, what’s left for you to get into the music world?

I think I have done as much as I can for one lifetime. I do not feel there are any goals left for me at this time but I will keep an open mind and who knows something unexpected may happen. I still love playing the guitar I have been doing it now for 50 years. I would still like to do some live shows and I have a couple of pet projects that I am working on.


– And finally, what are your near-future plans?

With Toby doing his old band this year has not been good for me. I am used to disappointments but I really did think we had a shot with this album and to do some great shows maybe even a follow up album. That won’t be happening now. I have started work on a Blues project which I hope to finish next year and once we get into 2013 maybe I will try and put a Rocking 3 piece together. But for now I am off to southern Spain for a holiday and to ponder the future.


– That’s all, thank you once more for answering our questions. If you want to add some final words; feel free to do it.

Great talking to you. I hope I will be doing some shows next year and we talk some more then. ED


Sergio Fernández



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