– Hello, thanks for answering to our questions. What are you currently up to?

Chris- thanks for the interview, we are currently in between tours right now, just finished our summer tour and taking a month off before starting our fall/ winter tour.

– Last year has been quite hectic for you; you’ve been touring constantly, you lost two members… How did you live this year?

Chris- yes it was a very tumultuous year for us, but nothing worthwhile is easy, we just put our heads down and worked through all the issues we had.


– Anyway you now got Randy Weitzel and Tom Hane. How are they fitting in and how did you find them?

Chris- they are fitting in great, we have known Randy for a few years and he was an easy choice, he is a great player, and Tom we found through a referral from a friend,  he is a shredding drummer and a great guy, we really scored with finding these guys.


– Anyway I think they weren’t in the band yet when you recorded the album so; how played on it?

Chris- Yes that’s correct we hired those guys after the album was already recorded, for the album it was only Maria, Kevin Churko, Travis and me that were actually involved in the recording, Maria, Kevin and I wrote all the songs together,  I played all the strings and Kevin played the drums,  doing it this way is what allowed us the freedom to make the record we made, stripping us down to our core really opened us up to new ideas.


– This new album you have just released is entitled “Blood”. Considering how are the first reactions being; what are your expectations for this new record?

Chris- we feel this is our best work to date, the reaction has been overwhelmingly positive from new fans and old fans, this is the album to take us to the next level.


– On this new opus I noticed a more well-cared composition, with more details on the songs and also influences from different music styles. What could you say has influenced getting a such dynamic final product?

Chris- thank you, I think the circumstances we were in along with the stripped down way we recorded the album, opened the creative door for us, we worked on one song at a time and didn’t settle, we were really passionate about every song.


– I’d even dare say you’ve even gone a step further in trying new things, also adding some new elements. How important is this growth for you personally and for IN THIS MOMENT?

Chris- growth is everything to us and if you listen to our past albums you can see the constant progression, music is art and every album is its own art piece, it’s very important to us to always grow and try new things, what’s the point of putting out the same album over and over?


– Overall “Blood” is a darker and heavier album. Was this how you envisioned this CD since the beginning?

Chris- yes, we knew we wanted it to have a darker vibe but we didnt really put a lot of advance thought into it, it just popped out of us.


– And talking about such; do you think the album name depicts the musical content we can find on it?

Chris- yes definitely, we liked the name blood because it had a darker connotation and a more serious tone to it than our past album titles.


– As I said earlier, you’ve added some new elements as certain electronic influences. Have you opened to new inspirations or are you just always willing to try new things out?

Chris- we didn’t plan it, it just happened, as you said we are always willing to try new things if it fits into our vision and sounds good,  we aren’t an electronic band now, we just used that stuff on our new album.


– In fact is a really innovative album but still being IN THIS MOMENT 100%. Is it easy to evolve and sound different but also keeping your usual identity?

Chris- yes, as long as it has Maria’s voice and my heavy guitar influence it’s always gonna sound like in this moment no  matter how experimental we get.


– Tunes as the emotional “11:11” show this perfectly. Is a song that really stands out among the rest. How did you come up with atrack like this?

Chris- this track is something that Maria and Kevin have been talking about for years and we finally got to do it this time, it’s all vocals, everything is Maria’s voice except for the beat and that is Maria pounding her fist on her chest, it’s a really cool idea that came out great, and the lyrics are super emotional, it’s a great track.


– Due to this I would like to know how was the songwriting process this time around. Was it different?

Chris – like I said before since we lost 2 founding member s and found ourselves stripped down to our core, this opened us up to so many possibilities, we would not have written the album we did had we not gone through these changes.


– And what about the production process? It was also produced by Kevin Churko, who also did your previous “A Star-Crossed Wasteland” but, as both albums have a different feeling; did you have to approach the production differently?

Chris- we approached it the same way, we wanted this album to top anything we had done previously and so did Kevin, he really brought his A game on this album, the production is top notch, it’s our best sounding album.


– And finally, what are your near-future plans? I’ve seen you will be touring constantly again.

Chris- we start a tour with Halestorm in October and plan to tour all next year for this album, we are just getting started! Next level is the plan.


– That has been everything from my side, thank you once more. If you want to add some final words; last lines are all yours.

Chris- if you haven’t heard of in this moment go pick up «Blood» if you already have it, thank you! Come see us on tour!


Tania Giménez



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