1- Hello, thanks for answering to our questions. What are you guys currently up to?
Right now I am working on having the best band lineup to date. Getting 5 personalities to co exist and get on the same page can be a task. It also takes time to understand the Kore Rozzik mentality. We just released our first single «Rockstar» which is getting some reviews and attention. I think everything we do from here on out will come as a surprise to everyone. We are simply working on doing more and getting our voices heard. The single can be heard here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IPI7INypq4I and purchased here https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/rockstar-single/id1020532410


2- First off, could you make some history of the band?
Kore Rozzik has been in different versions for the past few years here in New York City. For one reason or another I had many people come and go through the camp. In that time however we produced 4 Korefest events and opened for many big national acts. We’ve inspired insulted and upset many along the way.


3- How could you describe your sound?
Its a blender of sounds. I’m not a trained musician so I imitate as best as I can but it never sounds exactly like any band specifically. Every song has a slightly different vibe and story line. We enjoy 80’s hair metal, thrash metal, nu metal, old school metal, pop music and shock rock. Nothing gets left behind and its all taken into the equation. Kore Rozzik is very strong intense articulate vocals with a heavy groove. Regardless of the sound we aspire to be catchy.


4- What are the band’s main musical influences?
Alice Cooper Marilyn Manson Megadeth Dokken Motley Crue Judas Priest Three Days Grace Disturbed Avenged Sevenfold Just to name a few..
5- How is the feedback for your new album being?
So far so good. Some have criticized the lyrical content. I mean the song is meant in good fun and it all depends on what mind set you go into the song. It’s not supposed to be that serious..everything else we do will be more so. We wanted to introduce the world to the Kore Rozzik character. Here I am- I have swagger I love this life…Okay now here comes the stories next. And many of those stories will be very relate able and at times darker and sad.


6- And are your personally satisfied with the final outcome?
I’m a virgo so I am rarely satisfied. I think for conditions of the band and personal demons at the time. It’s the best we could do. Could some of facebook-20150629-111438the lyrics been more in dept? Perhaps but  I went into this song with the head that we wanted to do something “fun”. If anyone wants to see the dark side of being a rock star then stay tuned for future songs!


7- How could you describe this opus in just 3 words?
Groove Swagger Sleaze


8- How has the production process for your new release been?
It was growing pains and alot of changes. I grew. The band grew. Band members came and went. My producer upgraded his studio during the process. So there was a lot of trial and error and dealing with a lot of internal issues. Overall I was very pleased with my vocal performance and the quality of the recording.


9- And how do you use to work on the songwriting?
It usually gets chopped up and revised many times before it makes the cut. The lyrics were revised many times over and the fat was trimmed on the arrangement.


10 – Finally, what are you near-future plans?
We will be working on mixing the rest of the EP. And producing a second single/video this fall. Which will be a more darker melodramatic song- Psychological.


11- That’s all from our side, thanks again for taking your time to answer our questions. If you now want to add some final words; feel free to do it.
Thanks for the opportunity. Check us out at  www.korerozzik.com and https://www.facebook.com/KoreRozzikNYC

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