BONES (Eng.)
- Hi Jon, thanks for taking the time. If you don't mind, I would like you to start making some...
- Hi Jon, thanks for taking the time. If you don't mind, I would like you to start making some...
- Hello and first of all, thanks for taking the time. How is everything going right now with SECOND SUN?...
- Hi Anton, thanks for taking the time. First off, do you know what prompted the band comeback? I think...
- Hello, thanks for your time. What's the band currently up to? No worries, we're currently just planning the next...
- Hello, lots of thanks for answering our interview. How is everything going into the SETH's camp right now? We...
1- Hello, thanks for answering to our questions. What are you guys currently up to? The Pleasure is ours. We...
- Hello thanks for your time. What's TROLLFEST currently up to? Hi there, and thanks for the interest in our...
– Hello, thanks for taking the time. How is everything going right now with DEMON EYE? What’s keeping you busy...
- Hello, thanks for answering to our questions. What are you guys currently up to? Luca/ We`re playing a benefit...
- Hello, thanks for your time. What are SVARTSOT currently up to? We’re taking a break for the summer right...