– Hi, thanks for your time. What are you currently up to? How is everything doing right now with A PALE HORSE NAMED DEATH?

S: I’m ok just busy planning some tours for APHND. The new album is being received well and we need to get out there soon.

– First of all, how did you come up with the idea of naming the band «A Pale Horse Named Death»?

S:I was watching a program on the Bible and Revelations, they spoke about hoe death rode a pale horse and I just dd a play on words to come up with A Pale Horse Named Death. I knew from that moment what it would sound like.


– You have recently released your new albm, entitled «Lay My Soul to Waste». How is it working so far? How is its feedback being?

S: So far it has been very good and the momentum is building on it. There is a buzz about it, it is doing very well on radio in the USA, reviews and all press have been very good. So we need to get out there.


– After a superb debut album that got really good reviews, I would like to know if your expectations on this new opus are different to the expectations you had on «And Hell will Follow», as maybe this time around are higher?

S: Yes we had set our goals higher and expected to take it to the next level. We wanted to have it progress to the next level naturally by taking the song writing further, making production sound bigger, bringing more piano in and pushing the vocals more.


– You set with that album really high standards. Does this make you work under more pressure or is it rather bonus motivation?

S: More of an inspiration to delve deeper into myself to pull out the darkest feelings. A little pressure because we wanted it to be better and not suck like a lot of bands sophomore albums do.


– Compared to your first record, I personally think «Lay My Soul to Waste» is a more focused album, specially more melodic but also more emotional. Maybe this time did you have a clear idea of how does APHND should sound like?

S: I had clear idea from the beginning just was a matter of fine tuning myself and just exploring more. The first album was a pilot for what was about to come later on, you just get better and better with time.


– I also believe you have kept the essence of the previous effort but improving the final result, improving in production, sound, atmospheres and specially on songwriting terms. Could you say this has just been a natural evolution or was important for you to perfect the things done on your previous effort? Was to top over your debut album something you were aiming for?

S: The song writing was a natural process, I paced myself over 2 years writing this album in the proper mind set. Nothing was contrived or forced, it is a good transition from the first album but again more refined and tuned.


– As I said, there’s a notable improvement on songwriting terms so, was the creative process different for «Lay My Soul to Waste»? How did you work on it?

S: My process was the same as I always write, ideas will come and I will sit and record it, work on the vocal melody with word ideas and just let it flow. I am very particular about songs, I usually record lots of song ideas and pick through them and toss the ones I don’t feel are up to par.


– On my point of view, one of the main differences between this new «Lay My Soul to Waste» and your previous «And Hell Will Follow Me» are the atmospheres and ambiences you manage to create for each song, all of them different but with certain common thread, maybe that they convey similar feelings to the listener. Do you actually focus on the atmospheres or do you just let things flow naturally? And what’s the main purpose behind them? What do you want them to convey?

S: The atmosphere is intentional, I want the listener to close there eyes and envision the story as almost a cinematic experience. It is all naturally written into the songs and again this is what comes out of me on a regular basis.


– Obviously, lyrics are really dark and depressive, and feel very real. Are they a mirror of your inner soul or are outside elements what inspires you to create them?

S: Somewhat a mirror of me or what I feel. But I write about all kinds of subjects that are on the dark side of humanity. I take experiences of others as well or how a story would effect me. I am a dark natured person so its easy for me to reach in and pull something out.


– You’ve had an awesome artwork created, once more, by Sam Shearon. Would you mind to elaborate a bit how did you work on it and what does it represent?

S: I basically would discuss with Sam about an idea for the cover and I let hi run with it. He creates the art for the songs by reading the lyrics to get a feel of the story and song. He is very talented and I enjoy working with him.


– All this about «Lay My Soul to Waste» being said; how could you describe it in just 3 words?

S: Deep, Dark and Heavy


– And finally; what are your near-future plans?

S: Working on tours as we speak hoping to begin in the fall. We want to build more fans and continue to do more touring and albums.


– That’s all, thank you once more for answering our questions. If you want to add some final words; feel free to do it.

S: Thank you to all the fans and for your support.


Sergio Fernández


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