– Hello, lots of thanks for answering our interview. How is everything going with WHITE WIZZARD?

Great! Just gearing up for touring.


– You will soon release your new album, «The Devil’s Cut» so, what are your expectations on it? How are the first reactions being?

We are very proud of the record. So far seems to be mostly positive, but I am sure someone will hate it lol.


– Once more, for this album you’ve got some new members. Is this finally a steady line-up?

Yes we have been together over a year and for once our singer is local and can/will tour.


– Getting a bit deeper into this new opus, it caught my attention the fact is probably your most guitar-driven effort to date. Was this something you were aiming for?

Yes….Jake and Will are fantastic lead players with contrasting styles that both really work for WW. I told them I would just handle the rhythm and harmony guitars in studio and had them just work just solely on writing the best leads possible, and they really came through. So proud of those guys.


– In that sense I think Jake and Will have taken the guitar sound to the next level so, what do you think have them brought to this new record?

Everything Flying Tigers was missing and also a large progression forward from our previous albums in the quality and feel of the leads.


– You’ve also got a new singer, Joseph. How has he fitted in?

Perfect. He is an amazing talent and has brought more depth and character to the vocals both in studio and as a performer.


– As always, it seems like your sound is strongly influenced by NWOBHM but, what have been some of the most influential bands for WHITE WIZZARD?

RUSH and Iron Maiden are the 2 big ones. But everything from Led Zeppelin to Opeth really………Many bands influence me as a writer but I think this album is becoming more WW and less a reflection of the influences, though they are still there.


– Anyway «The Devil’s Cut» is an album with different dynamics, but more straight-forward than «Flying Tigers». Is this something important for you? As I guess it may help keeping things interesting.

I just write what comes to me but yes I wanted this to be a shorter more direct album.


– «Flying Tigers» had a lot progressive elements, and we can find less on this new «The Devil’s Cut» I guess, but there is a lof of epicness. Are you always willing to try new things on your albums?

Yes I will try anything. White Wizzard will try and progress and grow in our development. There are progressive elements in the new album but more direct and subliminal that drawn out like on FT. I wanted to have very direct great songs with some spice of the progressive and more complex dynamic without overdoing it.


– For the cover artwork once more you’ve had your mascot, Wizzard, but how did you come up with this version of it?

Well that is actually a nun riding a gagged priest beating him with a ruler lol but we joke it is the Wizzard gone mad in drag playing the part. It was all Cameron Davis….he did the piece and sent it to me and asked my opinion. Obviously I chose it.


– Cameron Davis did the cover artwork (he also did the art for «Over the Top» if I’m not wrong). What did make you go back to him? As he has already worked with you earlier, was it easy to make him understand what kind of artwork did you want?

We live in the same building in LA and he just said he would like to do the next cover….and it was a no brainer for me because I have seen what a super talented guy

he is.


– I think the cover fits quite good some of your lyrics dealing about religion but, would you mind to elaborate a bit on what do some of the lyrics on the album deal with? And does everything on your albums work as a whole?

Well the 2 most serious songs are Steal Your Mind which deals with not letting yourself get dumbed down by media and terrible art and not letting religion or people control your mind and not losing your sense of individuality. Sun deals with losing someone close to you in death and trying to find a positive place. The title track and lightning in my hands are a tribute to music and the inspiration it gives you to have confidence and live free………Strike the Iron and Torpedo of Truth are inspired anthems with positive messages like Over the Top and Stormchaser is a bit of a party anthem all about living life balls out. So it is a mirage of themes but yes I like the balance on this record lyrically a lot.


– All this about «The Devil’s Cut» being said; how could you describe it in just 3 words?

Balls Out Ripping


– And finally, what are your near-future plans?

Going to go strangle some rabbits and have a pint.


Tania Giménez


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