1- Hello, thanks for answering to our questions. What are you guys currently up to? We’re currently prepping for the...
1- Hello, thanks for answering to our questions. What are you guys currently up to? We’re currently prepping for the...
-To begin with how is the band doing (both health and mood) during these lockdown days? How are you holding...
- Hi, thanks for your time. What are you currently up to? How is everything doing right now with TORTURE...
-We Queens of Steel have been annoying people for 15 years now. During these years a lot of albums have...
- Hello, thanks for answering to our questions. What’s the band currently up to? Thanks for asking us! At the...
-All right, so I'm here with Sarah and Shon from Smoulder that just came back from France from playing at...
- Hello, thanks for answering to our questions. What’s currently MISERATION up to? Jani: We just finished up with our...
- Hello and first of all, thanks for taking the time. How is everything going right now with VORUM? You...
- Hello, thanks for taking your time, how are you holding up during this pandemic, almost dystopian era? S :...
- Hello, thanks for answering to our questions. What's currently keeping BANG TANGO busy? WE JUST RELEASED THE NEW CD...