– Hi, thanks for your time. What are you currently up to? How is everything doing right now with AETERNUS?

Hi there. Well, currently? …we’re rehearsing a lot to keep a nice fresh set list for shows ready and all rehearsed. Things are great, thank you! The release of «…And the seventh his sould Detesteth» has been overall been a very welcome one. We’re really happy about that.

– You have just released your new album, entitled «…and the Seventh his Soul Detesteth», which is your first record since «HeXaeon» came out back in 2006. What have you been up to during this time? Will we have to wait that much until your next opus?

Well, after «Hexaeon, our drummer at the time, Erik, quit the band. So there were some years that had to pass before we were lucky to come across Phobos who now plays the drums in Aeternus. Took some years to get him into our style and so forth, we just took our time. The writing process was very slow when I wrote the new songs, I really took my time with it. Also a lot of the songs were stripped down and new riffs were put in, we re-arranged and modified many songs many times. So it all took time. I was veeeeery strict with my own stuff, way more than before. So it all just took time and we didn’t rush it at all.


– After several years of silence, how have you felt with the release of your new effort? Excited?

Of course, very excited indeed. The writing and rehearsal process and not at least the production of this new album was looooong. Feels fucking great now to have it all done. Now we’re focusing on doing shows and promoting the album. Soon, I’ll be twisting my head to make new music again, can’t wait. It won’t take 7 years this time.


– And how has the feedback for this album been like? You have always gotten awesome reviews; did this make you work under more pressure or is it just extra motivation and does push you to keep on progressing?

Feedback has been great, a few magazines didn’t get quite right what we’ve done, but very few and of course that’s how it is. Not everyone understands your music, however most ppl and magazines have been giving us great feedback and they appreciate our new album. We’re happy about that of course and it’s very nice to feel you really accomplished what you wanted to do. Yes of course it’s motivating, in many ways.


– Since «HeXaeon» you’ve got 3 new members, which means you have renewed the band almost completely. How do you think has the band evolved throughout these years, and yourself especially?

I think it’s been going in the right directions as always. The fresh input from Phobos and Specter is the utter most best fresh input I could have ever asked for. Also, Vgandr wrote awesome and inspiring lyrics and before he sadly quit the band he was at many rehearsals with great ideas for several songs that we did use for sure even though he quit the band.


– And what could you say have the new members brought to AETERNUS?

Musical insight, input and inspiration, skill, dedication, motivation, heart and soul. That includes also our new bassist, Eld.


– Getting deeper into your new release; what are some of the main themes covered on it?

Mainly it’s simply put a very anti-religious album. That’s it, not as in we’re telling you what to do or what to think. Just opinions and views! The lyrical concept is the 7 deadly sins.


– And is it linked to the cover artwork? What did you want to depict with it? It fascinates by just giving it a look.

Yes it is. The artwork has been done by Timo Ketola. You see the 7 arms locked together in a circle. A circle can mean an eternity. One arm for each sin of the deadly sins, yes?! Also you see a letter on each arm, all in all it forms the word SALIGIA. SALIGIA is the mnemonic of the first letter in the Latin words for the seven sins… superbia (lust), avaritia (gluttony), luxuria (greed), invidia (sloth), gula (wrath), ira (envy), acedia (pride)


– I could say on this new «…and the Seventh his Soul Detesteth» you have gone back to your roots, taking a quite 90’s approach. Was this something you were aiming for or did it just happen like this?

This we aimed or yes and I think we were successful too. I was very interested in variation on this album and NO dead moments. Something very interesting and worth listening to at all times. We were very careful to have the more simply riffs being as good as they could be so they wouldn’t be boring and so forth. Visiting old atmospheres felt very correct and it was nice thing to mix in with the more original shit.


– This being said, though this album reminds me a bit to your first releases, you have always shown AETERNUS is an ever-evolving band but, do you ever look back to your earlier records when you are creating a new piece?

No not really. Re-creating old atmospheres isn’t hard for me when I am the one who created those old atmospheres myself. I didn’t have to sit and listen to the old albums or anything. I knew more or less what to put into some songs for that good old feel.


– All in all I could say «…and the Seventh his Soul Detesteth» is your most complete and elaborated albm to date, maybe the time you have taken with it has had something to do with that? Or is it just the experience time and work gives you?

We were just very, very thorough this time. VERY! …and when you’re thorough with musicians as Phobos and Specter and you’re me…..you can do shit like «…And the Seventh his soul Detesteth» 😉


– All this about «…and the Seventh his Soul Detesteth» being said; how could you describe it in just 3 words?

Haha, can one really? Try listening to the album instead, I won’t put down 3 words like that cuz it won’t give justice to the album. Listen to it, judge yourself. I’m sure 3 words won’t come to your mind afterwards. Instead you’ll sit with impressions and your head full of Aeternus’ new songs and from there you can make up your own mind on what you listened to is to you, what it did to you and what it is in your opinion.


– This has been your first opus with Dark Essence Records. How is everything going with them so far?

2nd opus with them. «Hexeaon» was also released by them. Things are good and we’re satisfied!


– AETERNUS has always been a quite complex band, with different details hidden behind your music. Due to this I would like to know what sources do you draw inspiration from, what are your influences. On my opinion I think you have a strong influence from US Death Metal bands, specially old MORBID ANGEL; are they an influence for the band?

Yes, but not as much as one might think. The past albums I have made music mostly by just being creative and through jamming. Every now and then I can draw inspiration of course from different things such as nature or other music or perhaps a fave band or even lyrics or maybe just your mood.


– You are hailing from Norway, a country that has always had a really prolific Metal scene, specially extreme Metal scene but, how has its evolution been since you were formed? Maybe there are way more bands and less quality and/or ideas?

I don’t focus so much about the scene here, I gotta tell you! I focus on Aeternus. There are good bands out there yes, few, but they are there. I never liked much so mostly of course I am not very impressed. I am not the one to ask if you wonder what’s out there and shit worth listening to.


– In fact you’ve been around since 1993, which is a pretty long time so, what have been both the best and worst moments with/for AETERNUS?

I’m just gonna say I am very happy to be still doing what I love after 20 years. It seems like we’re gonna be around for many years still so that’s all I need. Good and bad moments? Many, but really…what future holds as for good ones is what’s important.


– And finally; what are your near-future plans?



– That’s all, thank you once more for answering our questions. If you want to add some final words; feel free to do it.

Thanks for your support through this interview. And all: Keep supporting extreme Metal people. The way of life we like it! We wouldn’t wanna have it any other way, right?! Fucking Cheers!


Sergio Fernández


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