15 years of Queens of Steel: Hand of Doom


-We Queens of Steel have been annoying people for 15 years now. During these years a lot of albums have been released. What albums do you specially remember or are your favourites of these last 15 years? Those you have pretty much worn.
One album that comes to mind is “Gloria Satanae” by Arkha Sva. This was the band I listened to the most during the period we wrote and recorded our demo. Similarly to many Japanese horror films, this album has a strong feminine aura to it, at the same time as there is an attractive lack of information surrounding the band.

-Even some new bands have born. Which ones are your favourites?
My favourite bands from the last 15 years are bands that I enjoy thinking about and wanting to know more about, but that have kept my fascination by not revealing much about themselves. These are Pseudogod and Cultes Des Ghoules. None of them make great music but both are great anyway, for whole other reasons.

-And the split up you regret the most?
There is so much great music already recorded so I can’t think of any band that I regret not making more. If anything, I encourage all bands to consider a way out with decency intact.

-All of us tend to attend gigs, festivals… During 15 years we’ve spent a lot of time in airports, trains, cars. What is the show or festival you recall with special affection?
The American hardcore band Lebenden Toten live in their hometown of Portland, Oregon in the fall of 2014. I can’t remember being so ecstatic about a live show ever before in my life. Pure black energy.

-They are a lot of years if you think about it. Which would be your most memorable moment(s)? A milestone or achievement, on a personal and/or musical level.
Being at the center of an underground hype and getting nominated for a Swedish Grammy Award in the span of five years sums up the Vampire experience. Attending the University of Washington and sitting a big hall lecture where a Ph D in folklore studies shows the expository scenes of Candyman was the highpoint of my academic career. But of course, these relatively mundane experiences are obviously outshined by having my first child.

-Everything evolves (involutes sometimes) with time, so does the Metal «community». What do you believe has been the biggest change the Metal scene has experience or is experiencing during this time? For the better or for the worse. Because if we stop and think about it, not even Spotify existed 15 years ago!
The fact than anyone can be an expert on anything in a month with Google and YouTube. It took my entire teens of time and money to build the kind of underground music overview I still rely on when talking about music to people who know their shit.

-Looking to the future, what would be the best possible scenario for you if you think about the next 15 years?
That I slow down and find peace in not striving for perfection and accomplishments. All is vanity.

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