– Hello, thanks for taking your time. How is everything doing right now with the band? What are you currently up to?
Everything goes steadily but great here. We are one of those bands who care to evolve from release to release. So, nowadays we take our time in order to envision our next releases.
– First off, as this is our first interview with you, could you please share some history of the band for all those who may don’t know about you yet?
Nadiwrath were formed in February of 2007, by Nadir (Guitars) and Wrath (Vocals). Shortly after Maelstrom(drums) and Semjaza (Bass-Guitars) joined. Nadiwrath is an underground black metal band away from the beliefs of the masses and loyal to the misanthropic propaganda against the human race. Forever spreading total death until all will be nothing more than ashes
– Last 2015 you released your newest album, «Circle of Pest». How is its feedback being thus far? Did you have any kind of expectations on this new record?
The feedback was great if you consider that we are an underground band. The only expectation stemmed from ourselves. And it was to reflect our hatred towards everything that breathes in this leech world and we managed to do it well.
– Listening to your first «Nihilistic Stench» and then your newest «Circle of Pest», I think it’s like if you have perfected your debut album, polishing details until making a perfect album for NADIWRATH but, how could you compare or differentiate both albums? How has the band evolved throughout these years?
Thanks, it was a natural thing for us to evolve and go forward us a band. It is the essence of all Devilish arts to go forward. Otherwise, there is no point of existing. We do not compare the two albums, they are steps of the evolution of Nadiwrath and we view them as equally important.
– What are your main musical influences? As apart from the rawest Black Metal I can also notice dirty Punk vibes.
Main influence is true black metal in all forms. We also draw inspiration from the abyss that will drawn humanity in the years to come.
– Your lyrics deal with misanthropy and hatred basically. Where do you draw inspiration from to write them? As I guess you don’t need at all to find fantastic sources.
I don’t write lyrics yet but I will do so in the forthcoming releases of ours. Until now we are inspired by the filth of the human nature and we call for total demise. It is with great expectation that we wait for chaos to come. The leeches who think are something while they are nothing but a human waste of flesh, gives us much inspiration.We are also, very much inspired with death and everything that surrounds death and the personal struggle towards a more evolved anti-human through struggle, strength and will.The great chaos that will surround everything will manifest through our works. As Lovecraft once said »we shall dive down through black abysses…and in that lair of the Deep Ones we shall dwell amidst wonder and glory forever».
– It has been four years since your previous album came out, will we have to wait a similar gap of time until your next opus?
No clue yet, we will take our time until we will ensure it will be a jewel of black arts.
– And what have you been up to during these last 4 years? When did «Circle of Pest» start to get shaped?
Many things, personally I have been continuously searching for the elixir of immortality through my studies and LHP practice. Searching for my one and only Wyrd. While also, being involved with Thy Darkened Shade and Acrimonious. My brothers are also, really busy too, spreading disease with Dodsferd. Nadir is also a live member of Thy Darkened Shade. So there are alot of things to come from us. Circle of Pest is really a collaborative creation by all of us. I don’t really recall when it started getting it’s shape since there are always new ideas coming musically from both me and Nadir.
– All this about «Circle of Pest» being said; how could you describe it in just 3 words?
Black Death Mist
– For this album you switched from Moribund Records to Drakkar Productions. Has this move had any kind of effect on the band and everything related to your latest record?
For an underground black metal band like us, it is fine to be with Moribund as it is fine to be with Drakkar. Both labels are cult since they released some of our favorite releases through the years. There was no effect from the label on what we do, we are just doing our will and nothing less than that. But it is great to be represented by labels that released music from Arckanum, Craft, Leviathan,Archgoat, Nåstrond or Watain, Altar of Perversion,Asmodee,Black Funeral etc!
– Greek Black Metal scene has always been quite powerful but what bands could you suggest?
Yes indeed, Greek Black Metal always had some very powerful bands and some of the best in this genre. Obviously, the old classics that all should listen and buy, releases by Rotting Christ, Necromantia, Varathron, Thou Art Lord, Zemial, Nergal etc. But there are alot of great masterful releases nowadays too . Apart from our own bands, bands like Macabre Omen, The One, Ravencult, Abyssgale, Empire of the Moon, Ithaqua or Hierophant’s Descent etc produced some killer releases through the years.
– And finally, what are now your near-future plans?
New releases and live destruction.
– That’s all, thank you once more for answering our questions. If you want to add some final words; feel free to do it.
Thanks alot for the support!