– Hi, thanks for your time. What are you currently up to? How is everything doing right now with the band?

Awesome ! Just getting ready for the Spanish/Portugal tour in a few weeks . Looking forward to the mayhem !!! lol This is in support of our new E-FORCE album “the curse” (see fb page etc .)

– First off, how did you come up with the band’s name (I bet a mix of your surname and name had something to do) and what meaning does it hold?

Its a VOIVOD kind of name …… Like Away/Piggy/Blacky/Snake/Chewy/Jasonic type vibe ……I wanted to create my music and ideas and with 10 000 000 million metal band names ,I went with E-force in 2001 I wanted a little control of my direction and vision so this is what I did . power, evil forces whatever you want it to mean ………..its just a name.


– You have just released your first album in 6 years, entitled «The Curse…». How are you feeling about releasing a new opus after several years? Have your expectations changed compared to your earlier releases?

Well yes… The other 2 albums , I had received advance $ from label to record etc . but not so lucky on this release .. times have changed So, you kind of have to do it yourself type deal … homegrown ha ha of which is what we did …… KROF drummer , produced the album @krof13studios.. Patrick Fried Rich (mix) J-F (katz/ex-deo) mastered it …… But all in all very happy to have this released, alot of time passed and finally here it is , have a listen …. I am sure you will dig it!


– And how has the band evolved since your previous «Modified Poison» came out? I personally think on this new effort we can find more diversity for instance. Is this something important for you?

Yes, thanks for your opinion …… The band has had many changes (not by choice) in the past but KROF is the longest member .Xav is a gr8 guy + Frank (touring 2nd guitarist) from eastern Europe tour mai 2014.Honestly, this eforce album is the 1st eforce album of which I composed all the songs …. re: guitar s/bass/lyrics/ drum idea other albums I composed complete songs but some of the tracks on the albums were co-written ……funny, a majority of the riffs on “the curse” were composed ,created from an acoustic guitar believe it or not …….ha ha( but don t worry the curse is not a country album … 😉 )) its real another chapter of my life …… another trophy for the wall re voivod/project :failing flesh/e-force albums combined 10 Its still an honour and priviledge to do what I do and still enjoy doing …. c est la vie


– Starting to dig into this new record, its concept is based in the power and temptation of women, quite a singular theme. How did everything arise? I guess it doesn’t have to be necessarily inspired by own experiences so, what did inspire the concept of the album?

A reality that every one knows about and deals with everyday …….not just metalheads…. it was between a divorce of mine mixed with other reality stories really ……. combining some heavy thrash and writing lyrics that are in some ways real to us all …..obsession/desire in whatever you want it to be etc …+ the songs /artwork work together . There is something in “the curse” for every one…….music and concept.


– And what could you comment on the cover artwork? Both how did you work on it as well as who created it.

I had the idea and a good friend of mine Pascal Negro(grafix work) made it happen …… a few phone calls, model (real name Lucilla)/photo, grafix design et voila … originally , it was entitled “the curse of the cunt” ,but our label mausoleum requested we modify it due to marketing reasons blab la bla ,so well there is still the cotc track on the album ….. 😉 but in fact the grafix guy @ mausoleum did the final artwork inspired by the original , et voila …… ! it works .awsome stuff!


– I think on this new offering we can also find elements from different Metal subgenres and even some Punk and Rock n’ Roll nuances, still keepig E-FORCE’s trademark sound. Was broading your sound something you were striving for or did it rather come out on a natural way?

Creating complete songs is like , cooking in some ways . You need the correct ingriedients but must be arranged etc ……. + in some ways like a crossword puzzle….. So really ,thats all I try to do ,is create ,and fill in the blanks…I do not consciencely think about genere s, type of metal this is going to be etc . I just do it ! yet put everything in context , like a painting for example . and it is what it is …… not sure I even know the correct metal name for eforce music …..if it rocks for me ,its all good ! so natural but creative at the same time I suppose…..Just trying to create something that kicks fuckin ass!


– In fact your sound is quite singular into the Thrash scene, stepping away from its cliches, that’s why I would like to know what have been the main musical influences for E-FORCE.

I would say old school heavy thrash ….. bands like voivod/merciful fate/KING D/exodus/witchery/iron maiden I could go on ….. + I am a huge solo shredder type playing …..!But really, like all kinds of music…


– And how the songwriting process for this new album? Does E-FORCE use to compose always on the same way?

As I said before ,this is the 1st eforce album of which I composed ….its alot of work but 100% my vision and direction so it feels good to be released… (+ Erika Kreiger pre-prod. /assistant engineer) helped record the ideas.demo form , the others would copy, improvize a little and thats about it.Krof/Xav and I were @ the studio so it worked out pretty good .


– This new «The Curse…» sees the comeback of Jérôme Point and Krof, so this is your first album with them. What could you say have they both brought to the record?

KROF and XAV from the marseille región ,of france .Basically, doing what they do best …… re: guitar solo s and drum fills etc. Everything was really already composed but it went very well re: recording considering the homegrown accomplishment . ….


– There have also been some guest appeareances by Glen Drover, Kristian Niemann and Vincent Agar. How did these cooperations born? Why did you think in those artists? And if you could choose three more artists to work with, who would you choose and why?

I have known these guys for yrs ….. I wanted some guests on this álbum re: guitar shredding. As the “modified poison” álbum had some special guests etc . (p:ff/alex agressor/ unreleased voivod song((trib. Piggy)) ) so this were the guys that worked out ……. Borislav Mitic is a friend who could not do it but was supose to so Vincent Agar( a french yngwie) filled in …… Kristian s been a friend since the voivod/therion tour 2000 .. I met Glen @KING DIAMOND show in mtl many yrs ago ……its a shreddfest ¡ really, these guys deliver solo s on this álbum that will make you go “thats fuckin cool” etc lol Xav did a gr8 job …. His style is more motorhead/wha wha vibe so all in all it rocks! + for the bass players, I do a Little Cliff/sheehan influence solo on the cotc track …… 😉


– All this about «The Curse…» being said; how could you describe it in just 3 words?

Perverse erotic reality


– You are a veteran of the Metal scene, and can compare the American to the European scene so, what do you think differences them? Do you prefer any of them?

I prefer european crowds……. They are not afriad to headbang! Where in some places in n america it takes alot to get people moving unless you band is big already ……spain rocks! Many places are gr8 ,just depends when and when you play ….as long as I am playing, its all good 😉


– You’ve been playing Metal for over 20 years now so, how do you think has the Metal world changed throughout all these years? Has it been a change for the worse, as there are so many bands and less originality?

Yes, exactly .. The markets are overflowing with bands that all sound the fuckin same ……..the evolution of it all + with internet etc , its really changed alot of

things ……. But 1 thing remaians the same ,good songs don t just fallout of the sky,recording it takes work ¡Playing concerts and feeling the energy, still the same.If you can do it ….for the right reasons …. R n r!


– As you are a band that always takes its time when it comes to unleash new material, I would like to know what else do you do apart from E-FORCE and if we will have to wait that much until your next offering or if you already have some ideas for an upcoming album.

Ideas for the next eforce álbum are brewing already should be out in 2015 mausoleum records 🙂


– You will soon tour Spain and Portugal, in fact you have several Spanish dates and are also playing smaller cities. What are your expectations on this tour? And what can we Spanirds expect to see from you on stage?

You can expect a killer fuckin show!!!! We are going to tear it up ¡ + Alex-Colin Toquaine (aggressor), Tomas Scorepa (exorcizphobia) will be playing guitar .. you can expect to hear ALL the good stuff from eforce and of course some voivod classics (negatron/phobos era) + a few surprises… 😉


– And finally, what are your near-future plans?

Spain in a few weeks …greeceitaly in mai / new album recording and more shows basically ….


– That’s all, thank you once more for answering our questions. If you want to add some final words; feel free to do it.

Thanks so much Queens of steel ¡¡ I would also like to thank all the fans ,past and present ¡ hope to see you all very very soon! Fb eforce for details thanx cheers E

18/09 ERANDIO (SP) @ sentinel rock club
19/09 PALENCIA (SP) @ nave: at mosh.phera-zero
20/09 SALAMANCA (SP) @ nave bunker
21/09 PORTO (P) @ metalpoint
22/09 VIGO (SP) @ Frenopátiko
23/09 MADRID (SP) @ Wurlitzer Ballroom
24/09 CASTELLON DE LA PLANA (SP) @ el gat penat
25/09 LOGROÑO (SP) @ biribay jazz club
26/09 ZARAGOZA (SP) @ Centro Civico Delicias
27/09 SABADELL (SP) @ Dark factory metal club



Sergio Fernández


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