KHOLD (Eng.)
– Hello and first of all, thanks for taking the time. To start, please tell us what are KHOLD currently up to, just before releasing your new album.
Hello! We are doing a lots of interviews. Booking some conserts. Working on a video to Til Endes.
– Have been 6 years since your previous album came out, and throughout these years TULUS unleashed their lates topus and also SARKE was formed and released all their albums to date. Did all this «paralel» activity had something to do with these years of recording inactvity?
Of course. I did Sarke when Khold was not doing to much. Tulus is also a band we keep abit warm all the time. Tulus has been with us since 1991. Khold got together and did some live shows and start working on Til Endes after Tulus and Sarke was done. Sarke is still going now, but Khold is the main focus at the time and will be for a while now.
– That makes me wonder when did «Til Endes» started to get shaped. Have you been gathering ideas throughout these last 6 years?
Maybe not for 6 years, but we work on songs and riffs now and then. But I will say its mainly made and created in 2014 before entering the studio in june.
– «Til Endes» is your sixth album and will soon come out so, what are your feelings about it? How satisfied are you with the final outcome?
We are very satisfied, I we will say its the best Khold album so far. The songs, the sound and also great cover artwork.
– KHOLD is a band that evolves with each album, each album is better than the previous one without the need of changing your style. Is something you focus on to top over your previous release?
Of course. We try to make it better each time. That is also the reason for a long break this time, so we were sure this album would be the best and we got the time to think it through. We will always keep the Khold style. Dark, heavy, groovy, cold and raw.
– And how easy is to keep evolving without betraying your trademark sound?
We have our own style, so its just keep on doing what we do best. We know what we want and we will always get what we want.
– For instance, you have an intense groove and really catchy hooks. All this interwitned with a mid tempo Black Metal that always sounds primitive and brutal so, how easy is to get a good equilibrium between all these apparently opposite elements?
Its not easy to answer. Guess its just the Khold way. I know there is a lot of people out there that support Khold for doing something different and being original.
– In fact, dispite your raw sound, you have always had a clear and powerful production. Is this the kind of sound you always want to get?
Yes, heavy and raw sound, but still clear so you can hear everything. That is very important for us when we work in the studio. We never use trigger og copy riffs and so on. What you hear on the album is how we play it in the studio. Its 100% live playing. Acoustic drums. A lot of it is also first take. We work very fast in the studio compare to, I will say almost any other band. Its not a contest to be the fastest, but we want to keep it spontanious, honest and real by doing first takes in the studio. I think when music is perfect with no mistakes and everything has the some punch and volume it becomes more borring.
– And, talking about such, how was and who was in charge of the production process for this new album? Is it easy to find a studio and producer that understand your clear yet heavy kind of Black Metal?
Usually its mostly me that are in charge of the production of the album, but in Khold each member know what to do and do it their own way. We are very clear in the studio what we want, so its not a problem when you work in a professional studio.
– On this album you included a cover for SEPULTURA’s «Troops of Doom», here entitled «Dommens Arme». How did the idea arise and what changes have you done to the song?
We think a Sepultura cover is interesting both for us and the listener out there. We use to cover that song 20 years ago, so we just did it again and it fits us very well. The song is almost the same, we just play it with the Khold style.
– Throoughout your years of career you have worked with different record labels, being «Til Endes» your first release with Peaceville, probably the biggest company you have worked with since Candlelight. How did you hook up with them? How positive will you think this cooperation will be?
They have re released the old Khold albums again, so it was natural for us to sign with them on this new album. So far so good, so we will just have to see if all goes well in the future. They have done a good job on the old albums, so I guess they will do a good job know also.
– On your previous albums lyrics were written by an «outsider» so to speak, by Hildr. Did she also write the lyrics for «Til Endes»? As, as always, they are in Norwegian, would you mind to tell what are some of the topics covered here?
Yes, she has also written this time. Its about pain, suffering, nature, myths and death. In Norwegian of course.
– And are any of the lyrics on the album connected to the cover? All your covers have been really singular and grim, always with Gard as the main «character».
No. We use Gard on the cover again of course. Khold music and Khold frontcover.
– I ask so because on all your albums evertyhing seems to work as a whole, booklet and all art included. How have you worked on the artwork this time around?
Asgeir Mickelson did the photos and the layout. He made something for us and we liked it.
– And all this about «Til Endes» being said; how could you describe it in just 3 words?
Cool, powerful and groovey!
– Finally, what are your near-future plans?
Release the album, soon we will reveal some live dates, video coming very soon.
– That’s all, thank you once more for answering our questions. If you want to add some final words; feel free to do it.
Now people can check us out on Facebook. Khold official.
Thanks for the interview and hope people will check out Til Endes.