– Hi, thanks for your time. What are you currently up to? How is everything doing right now with NUNSLAUGHTER?

Everything is great with NunSlaughter. We have a new guitar player and bassist. Currently we are preparing for our European tour that starts in July.

– As always, this has been a pretty active years for you, having released different musical pieces. How have these last couple of years been for the band?

Just about the same as the last few decades. We keep releasing material and not many people are paying attention. But ath is fine with us we keep making music because it is our blood.


– And you will also soon release a split album with DEMONICAL, whom you will be touring with. How did this arise?

Martin and I have been friends for many many years and we toured with Demonical and Centinex in the past. We just got to talking and knew it was a good idea. The split 7″ is pressed and being shipped to Europe. Only 250 made and it has great sound and art.


– But the matter that occupies this interview is your new full-length album «Angelic Dread», which is the third full-length in the band’s history so, what are your expectations on it? Is there any differences when you release a full album compared to when you release splits or EPs?

Expectations are the same as in the past although I think we have a very strong album to release. Doing a full length is a shitty undertaking but this time the process went very smooth and the sound we achieved is exactly what we wanted.


– This new double CD contains more than 30 songs, featuring 15 new tracks. When did these songs start to get shaped?

Some of them go back a few years with bits and pieces that we did not use on old songs. Most of the album was written in 2012-2013. We are always writing.


– And it also contains 16 re-recorded songs that until now were only available on 7». Why did you choose to include them too? Do you have any other material left that was only available on 7» vinyl?

The plan was to release the 7″ song re-do’s as a separate CD but when it all came together it just seemed right to do a dbl CD. The large majority of our over 200 songs are / were only available on 7″ format. Re-recording theses songs not only gave them better sound but also allows people that did not have a chance to get the 7″s can hear the songs. Many of which we play live.


– Throughout all these songs you are still being loyal to yourself, as always. Where do you draw inspiration from to always keep your own essence without copying yourself or being monotonous?

I am usually disappointed when bands attempt to garner more fans by changing or tweeking their sound after one or two albums. We knew we never wanted to do that. We are devoted to our own style of music.


– In that sense, how much helps keeping the Don/Jim core?

It is essential. I dont think I could do the band without him.


– And how positive are, or how do all the line-up changes affect NUNSLAUGHTER and what you create with the band? As this time you also have two new members.

It is obvious that guitar players have slightly different style and some are more conducive to NunSlaughter but other than that keeping a revolving door on those positions has been beneficial to us. Jim writes the majority of the music and I write the majority of the lyrics. Everyone does contribute but at a different level.


– As I said, you are a band that stays faithful to itself, and still with a really traditional sound. Due to this I would like to know how do you think has the band and yourself as individual evolved throughout these years?

I now know what I like in my music and I can tell if a band is interesting to me with a few songs. As a band we are more sure of ourselves than ever. We are doing something unique and we march on.


– The cover artwork looks simply superb and fits NUNSLAUGHTER quite good. Would you mind to tell us how did you work on it and who’s the artist behind it?

George Higham is the artist. We worked with George on our HEX album. He is a total pro and we had a few titles for the album. We looked through his portfolio and picked a creepy one.


– All this about «Angelic Dread» being said; how could you describe it in just 3 words?

A buddy of mine speaks to Jesus all the time and he said this about the Angelic Dread album «Christ it’s good!»


– You are getting close to your 30’th anniversary, having been around for over 25 years now, which is actually a lot. What could you say have been both the best and worst moments with/for NUNSLAUGHTER thus far?

A highlight was getting our Hells Unholy Fire on LP. Ill never forget it. A hard time for the band was in the early 90’s when I did not know if I should continue.


– And finally, what are your near-future plans? This July you will be touring Europe with DEMONICAL and WARFECT so, what can we expect to see on stage?

We have eight more releases this year More songs to write and places to go. NunSlaughter are a high energy death metal band that demands audience participation. Lots of singing and headbanging.


– That’s all, thank you once more for answering our questions. If you want to add some final words; feel free to do it.

Metal is Death Death is Metal NunSlaughter Death Metal


Sergio Fernández


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