– Hello and first of all, thanks for taking the time. To start, please explain us what are IX.XI currently up to.

You are welcome. At the moment to the only certain plans is our releaseparty in Stockholm on the fourth of july.

– IX.XI is a band name open to interpretations, which don’t necessarily meas anything if readed as Roman numerals, but both 9 and 11 have a strong spiritual meaning. So, do you know why did the band choose IX.XI as the band’s name?

The name in itself is interesting and the reason for the name is for people to ask the question you just asked. The meanings are many and it’s a matter of individual knowledge and perception.


– And nowadays, after some years in the band, what does IX.XI mean personally to you?

I think our concept is very «in time» and it will only continue growing during the years. As more of how the world really works comes to surface for people who think they are enlightened the more our work will be acknowledged.


– You joined the band in 2011, and throughout these last years the band has experienced different things. How have these 4 last years been for IX.XI?

IXXI has always been a band with lots of troubles and setbacks. When I came into the picture they didn’t become less. I guess higher powers are working against us but we will never bow down for them. The more aware you become the stronger you need to be. I’m not surprised by the setbacks that has occured during my time in IXXI, dealyaments, death, prison time and line-up problems have worked against us but the struggle goes on.


– In fact after you joined the band when founding member Nattdal passed away. How did this affect IX.XI and the creation of your newest album?

Since Nattdal aka B had already quit the band before his death it didn’t have and impact on our work when it comes to writing the music so to say. Although the death in itself had a huge impact on us, that’s why we also made the tribute song on Skulls n Dust.


– You joined the band replacing Totalscorn, whom always did superb vocal performances, providing a wide variety of ranges and moods. When you stepped in, did you try to approach vocals on a similar way to him or just being yourself?

I think the new album speaks for itself. I’m Outlaw and I do what I do, in the way I want to do it, I will never try to be or imitate someone else.


– It has taken you 5 years and a new label to resurface. So do you feel like IX.Xi is starting a new period?

It would be a lie to say anything else. The band has been reborn in a new shape and with a different edge. It was probably more or less inevitable due to the bands history.


– You are back revitalized, but the new album’s title, «Skulls ‘n’ Dust», exudes death all over. What’s the meaning behind this title?

There is an interesting association behind the title that is being revealed on the front cover. But it’s up to you to find out.


– In fact it fits perfectly with your lyrics, always most of them being quite spiritual so, instead of asking about your musical inspirations, where do you draw inspiration from to write your lyrics?

I find inspiration to write lyrics when I behold the world without social and infrastructural filters. Sometimes they are spot on and sometimes they are metaphors for a personal hidden agenda.


– As I said earlier, during the last years the band has been through some changes, after these ups and downs it would have been easy to try a new path, to look for new things and experiment, instead «Skulls N’ Dust» picks up where your previous «Elect Darkness» left off. Is it easy to keep the same vision of the band and also keeping the same essence?

It’s a interesting question because that’s your own perception. For me it’s to «over analyze» the situation. We don’t think in terms of what we have done before nor what’s our vision os for the band when we write our music. We do what comes to us for the moment.


– Anyway in general it feels like an ever darker album to me. Do you your personal experiences during a certain period affect what you are creating musically? Could you say albums are, somehow, a reflection of a certain moment in your life?

No, not really. Perhaps me and Acerbus together have a bit darker touch to our chemistry as musicians than the former line-up have had. I haven’t really thought about in that way though. What we do and what you hear is us expressing thoughts and feelings and if it has a dark essence over it I guess that is just how it is. Nothin we plan or try to create.


– Everything on this album seems to fit together, for instance the cover artwork, with a lot of significance and symbolism, to the overall lyrics. But how strong is the link it shares with the general concept and visions covered on the album?

All artwork on the new are very attached to the lyrics of the songs although overall meanings are hard to describe with imagery. The former albums have in their whole been more conceptual than Skulls n Dust but we still wanted to work with a concept to every song for this album.


– It specially caught my attention the closing track «B», an outstanding instrumental track dedicated to the late Nattdal. What could you comment on this song and its creation?

The song says everything that has or can be be said.


– All in all I’d dare say this new “Skulls N’ Dust” is a culmination of everything the band has done so far though you have always managed to progress with each new record. Is there always room for evolution? And is IX.XI’s evolution just musical growth or maybe also personal and spiritual growth? As everything emanates a brutal yet dark honesty.

I think there are a lot of room for progress and development of IXXI. New occasions will continue to occur in the world that will both fuel and confirm our

music. When you create music you can never allow yourself to culminate. For us it will probably never come to that point unless societies whole structure collapses.


– Yourself and Acerbus are also playing in other bands so, what do you bring of those bands (ANGREPP in your case) or experience with them to IX.XI?

Nothing really.I think it’s important to stay focused on what you do for the moment, when we are IXXI we are IXXI not other bands or persons combined. But then again, we are humans and of course we always are our own individuals and of course that has an impact on the music.


– All this about «Skulls n Dust» being said; how could you describe it in just 3 words?

Why should I?


– And finally, what are your near-future musical plans?

We want to perform live as much as possible as long as it’s shows worthy of our brand. At the moment Acerbus is working on a new Ondskapt album and Angrepp are about to release a new album so everything has to be combined at the moment.


– That’s all, thank you once more for answering our questions. If you want to add some final words; feel free to do it.

Thank you Tania.


Tania Giménez


2 pensamientos sobre “IXXI (Eng.)

  1. Nice interview! Fun to read.
    But did you know that Smoker, the drummer of IXXI, also plays in a Punk/Metal band called RIFLE?

    Hail from Sweden.

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