– Hi, thanks for your time. What are you currently up to? How is everything doing right now with CANNABIS CORPSE?

Landphil – Currently I am working on some new Municipal Waste material and planning out my touring schedule for the rest of the year. Cannabis Corpse is dropping the new album soon and I am thrilled with the responses I have been getting. We are going to be playing a big show in Denver called «Denver black sky» soon so we have been in rehearsal for that.

– First off, even though you’ve got asked this a million times before, how did the idea of calling the band CANNABIS CORPSE arise? And how did you come up with the whole idea of the band?

Landphil – Cannabis Corpse started with my twin brother Josh and I way back when we were about 17 years old. We have always been big Cannibal Corpse fans and wanted to have a similar vibe musically. The name was thought up between a couple bong hits and we thought it was the perfect way to pay tribute to our favorite band and have a twist on the whole death metal genre in general


– Is hard to say this about an abum into this genre but, on my opinion your newest «From Wisdom to Baked» is your best album yet in all senses. Do you share my opinion?

Landphil – I know that this album was meticulously planned out in every aspect. I am doing all the vocals now and writing lyrics so that was a whole other ball of wax this time around. I would say this record probably took about 2 years to complete because of my busy touring schedule with my other bands. I am glad it turned out as well as it did.


– Anyway, how is the album working thus far? How are the first reactions being and what are your expectations on it?

Landphil – I think people are reacting very well, the cannabis corpse fans dig it and the metal community seems stoked so I am thrilled. This album has been a long time coming so it feels good to finally see how people feel about it and it has been great so far.


– Both the covers and the lyrics are an important part of the band’s essence, strongly inspired by CANNIBAL CORPSE. How do you manage to mix a kind of homage/parody to classic bands into the style with the weed thematic? How do you use to write lyrics?

Landphil – With Cannabis Corpse I try to keep weed as the main antagonist in the crazy stories within the songs; like zombies that kill for weed and cults that worship getting high ect. It just seemed like a fun way to keep the death and carnage of Cannibal Corpse album and have our own twist on it.


– In fact the cover artwork this time around also feels like a tribute to those bands. How did it arise and how was the process like?

Landphil – Being a death metal fan I know that the cover helps paint a visual picture that goes with the music. It’s one of the most fun parts of creating an album. Whenever I come up with an insane idea for a cover and give it to an artist the end result always gives me such a kick. There are so many great artists out there that can take my insane ideas and shape them into something amazing.


– This has been your first opus with French label Season of Mist (after they reissued your previous albums). How did you hook up with them? How is this cooperation being so far?

Landphil – Season of mist have been great to us so far. Working with them has been fun and they do an excellent job. They have so many great bands on there roster and it is a privilege to be along side of so many great talents


– On the album you have had a couple of guest artists, such as THE BLACK DAHLIA MURDER’s Trevor Strnad and SIX FEET UNDER’s Chris Barnes. What have they brought with their cooperation?

Landphil – They are both amazing vocalist and song writers. They also provided there own lyrics and vocal patterns so that was fun to hear the ideas they added to my music. Working with them has been a dream come true because I am a big fan of their work and collaborating would have seeme like a pipe dream to me when I was a teenager. I am thrilled with their performance on the album and can say that they were a pleasure to work with,


– And with which other artists would you like to work with?

There are so many great metal musicians out there, that is a tough question. If I really had to choose I would want to work with King Diamond but I don’t think his voice fits this band ha ha!


– All this about «From Wisdom to Baked» being said; how could you describe it in just 3 words?

Landphil – Sadistic reefer worship.


– There’s no doubt (Florida’s) Death Metal and weed are the main pillars of the band but, what else is on the foundations of CANNABIS CORPSE?

Landphil – This band is mainly about my twin brother and I spending time together making brutal death metal and touring. It is a way for us to see the world and make music so I am happy that Cannabis Corpse has fans out there that get excited when we come to there town. Hopefully the time and effort we put into our albums comes across to the listeners


– And finally, what are your near-future plans?

Landphil – We want to get out there and play as many shows as we can and keep making albums.


– That’s all, thank you once more for answering our questions. If you want to add some final words; feel free to do it.

Landphil – I just want to thank all the fans of my bands out there for the support and stay true to metal! Hopefully people dig the new album ‘From Wisdom to Baked’. www.CannabiscCorpse.us


Sergio Fernández


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