1- Hello, thanks for answering to our questions. What are you guys currently up to?
Now that “Beautiful and Treacherous” is out we are starting to book shows locally in Las Vegas. We haven’t played live for 2 months which is the longest break we’ve taken from playing out. Most of that time was spent wrapping up the recording. The other portion was for Darrin (our guitarist) taking some much needed vacation time to hang out in Indonesia and Thailand with his family. All the guitar parts for «Beautiful and Treacherous» were recorded and engineered by Darrin at his studio so he earned his time off in the sun. Our first show of 2014 will be opening for Kip Winger in Las Vegas.
2- First off, could you make some history of the band?
Everyone in the band grew up in Las Vegas except for Andy. Jim, Matt, and Darrin started as kids playing Judas Priest, Scorpions, and Metallica covers. Eventually that morphed into writing original music. Andy joined the band in 1995. At this point everyone in the band started to broaden their musical horizons beyond metal and had discovered 70’s jazz/rock fusion bands like Al DiMeola and Mahavishnu Orchestra. This was an important element in Dinner Music for the Gods evolving into an instrumental band. We started out as a band that wanted the traditional metal lineup consisting of a drummer, guitarist (or two), bassist, and vocalist. The 70’s fusion bands gave us the blueprint to creating a sound that didn’t require a singer. Eventually our writing evolved as such that we felt that we didn’t need a singer.
3- How could you describe your sound?
DMFTG’s sound is a fusion of Metal, Jazz, and World music. Dynamics are an important element of our sound – both live and recorded. Dynamics in volume, and speed, with diversity in musical styles are all present in our sound. Being able to control volume, intensity and speed I think are attributes that come with maturity. Whether it is in music, cinema, food, or whatever – dynamics make for a more rich and enjoyable experience.
4- What are the band’s main musical influences?
Chronologically listed, here are a few of our main influences: Al DiMeola and Mahavishnu Orchestra from the early 70’s, Van Halen, Iron Maiden and Judas Priest from the early 80’s, King Diamond, Mercyful Fate, and early Metallica from the late 80’s, and Strunz and Farah, and Testament from the early 90’s.
5- How is the feedback for your new album being?
The feedback has been really positive. The 3 things we keep hearing about this new record is that our playing as musicians is better than past records, the songwriting has greatly improved, and the production is spot on.
6- And are your personally satisfied with the final outcome?
Yes. We know how to write songs and put on a good show but the studio is not especially natural for us. Frank Klepacki did an amazing job with the mix and production. Frank is an accomplished musician and knows how to bridge the gap between musicians and the recording console. We don’t know if «Beautiful and Treacherous» will sell 5 copies or if people will respond to it but we can take comfort in the fact that it is the best songwriting, musicianship, and production that we’ve ever done.
7- How could you describe this opus in just 3 words?
Beautiful, Treacherous, Boobs
8- How has the production process for your new release been?

We recorded bass and drums in Frank Klepacki’s studio. The whole band was present and playing live but the only two instruments that went to tape were bass and drums. From there, Darrin took the bass and drum parts to his home studio where he recorded his guitar parts along with Andy’s. Then everything went back to Frank where he mixed and mastered it.
9- And how do you use to work on the songwriting?
All of our songwriting happens during rehearsal. Someone will play a riff and from there everyone jumps in and adds to it. If it is any good it just keeps growing until we feel it is a complete song.
10 – Finally, what are you near-future plans?
Our near future plans are to play out live as much as possible. We’d like to get an opening slot for an established touring band. We would really like to tour Europe and South America.
11- That’s all from our side, thanks again for taking your time to answer our questions. If you now want to add some final words; feel free to do it.
Estamos agradecido que quieres saber de nuestro grupo de Las Vegas en Los Estados Unidos. Esperamos que tocar en Barcelona muy pronto!