– Thank you so much for answering our interview. How is the band currently doing, close to the release of the first album by BLACKFINGER?

we are doing great. the album came out jan 31. we took a break after the recording was finished and have started rehearsing. it’s great to see the guys again

– Before digging into this opus, tell us how did this band born and who the rest of the members are.

they are all l friends of mine from home. a couple of the guys were in bands that supported trouble back in the day. rico bianchi and doug hakes on guitars larry piatz drums and ben smith bass who has since been replaced by another friend willie maxx


– Tell us a little the reason behind the band’s name, «Blackfinger» and how did the songs born. Was it something you already had written or is it a team effort?

i’m not really sure here. the name came from anymore it came to me in a dream a long time ago and knew one day i would name a band blackfinger. i had a lot of the lyrics an melodies written and when all the members were in place we locked ourselves in a room and worked on the music together. everyone contributed


– Digging depper into the record, it’s obvious you are doing what you do best: giving to Doom Metal that trademark of the SABBATH school but with a special harshness. Are you satisfied with the final outcome?

i love the record and am very proud of it and the guys. everyone worked really hard and put their heat and soul into it


– We can also find elements influenced by Hard Rock bands such as PURPLE, or atmospheric elements similar to PINK FLOYD, which enriches a lot the classic Doom you are providing. Are these bands notorious influences for you or is it just my personal appreciation?

they are 2 of my all time favorite bands and have been a huge influence on me in music and life. without them i might never even been in a band


– Acoustic passages also play a role on the album. Did you have in mind the pressence of these songs to complete the album or did you just feel like featuring them?

that’s how all my songs start out just me and an acoustic. some stay that way and others evolve into electric. depends on the song. i love the ones that are on the record. they are my babies


– Is this album for you a natural evolution after TROUBLE?

i don’t know. never really thought about i.t i never try to write a certain way it’s. what ever comes out. the way i feel or the things i see. if you listen to all the records i’ve done from start to finish it’s all one life


– Do you already have tour offers to support it or are you already working on it?

they are working on it right. now we were kinda waiting for the record to come out to see if people liked and wanted to see it live


– And on a view to the future; do you have more plans for upcoming releases? Would you like to do something different still into this vibe, like something conceptual or more orchestral for instance?

right now i’m working on new music for the skull and are planning on a fall release. i’m always working on something. i can’t help it. it’s who i am. plus i wouldn’t know what to do with myself if i didn’t


– And about the album’s release, will it be something special in vinyl or with bonus?

there will be a limited edition colored vinyl. looks pretty cool. i want one too


– That’s all rom our side. Our best wishes with this new period and thanks for giving to the genre fans such a good album.

thank you. it’s my pleasure


Paco Gómez


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