– Hello Olaf, thanks for dedicating us part of your time. What’s currently keeping you busy? How are you feeling on the release of your new album?
It’s always exiting to release an album and to see the reactions from the fans. It takes a lot of work & passion to do it so it’s a bit like birth if you can compare this. I’m always busy doing many things such as recording , writing & practising all the instruments that I do : )
– And how has the feedback for this record been so far?
The reactions have been very good. Some people say that they expected the album to be more Power metal style like I did on the first 3 albums but they accept the fact that it’s more hard type of thing : ) The video got 34000 clicks in 4 weeks so that’s a good sign too: )
– This new opus is entitled “Facing your Enemy”. What does it make reference to?
It’s about everyones enemys in your daily life such as drinking, drugs, cheating whatever. Always a big theme to write songs about .

– During these years of musical career with AT VANCE; have you had to face many enemies?
Of course I had. There are so many things big or small that happen everyday that you’ve gotta face and realize . I think life gets more intense as you get older. You see & reflect things in different ways than you used to .
– “Facing your Enemy” came out just a few days ago but; are you 100% satisfied with the final outcome? Is there anything you would have liked to change or done differently on it?
No no I’m totally satisfied . The songs & the production came out great. Casey did an awesome job and Rick’s Voice is amazing. I also love the artwork that Thomas Ewerhard did
– If I’m not mistaken Casey Grillo recorded drum parts for the record. How and why did you decide to go for him?
When we toured with Kamelot Casey and me got on really well and thought to work together in the future if it’s possible. So this time we took the chance as we always stayed in touch throughout the years and I gave him a call and send him the new material. As I said earlier he did an awesome job on the album and is soo easy to work with. Great guy and a heart of a person.

– As always, this new opus mixes Neo-classical influences with Power Metal or even Blues (as in “Eyes of a Stranger”, quite rockier as well). That’s why I would like to know what bands and/or musical styles have been the most influential ones for AT VANCE. What music does inspire you when it comes to write new material?
I draw my musical influences from all kind of genres & styles. There are some great musicians out there in every country. Of course I love the big Bands from the 70 s such as Deep Purple, Rainbow, Black Sabbath, AC / DC, as well as the Blues greats from the 50s like Muddy Waters, Howlin Wolf. On the other hand you have the classical music which is whole another world. Bach, Mahler, Beethove, Chopin, Pagannini, Vivaldi…. The list is endless. It’s just a matter of passion and Interest in music : )
– This being said, you have always kept your successful formula, the band’s trademarks, still evolving. Is it easy to create a good balance between essence and evolution?
It kind of became natural to do . There are certain elements which kind of repeat within the songs and it’s nearly impossible to reinvent yourself with every album but I try to give my very best with every song.
– And how easy is for you to get and keep on doing your own thing without copying yourself? After so many years being the band’s leader, maybe this is something spontaneous that comes naturally out of you?
Like I said above I try my best and work hard on my changes and technical skills to have a fresh approach when I write new material .

– You have filmed a video for title-track “Facing your Enemy”; how was the experience like? And do you plan shooting any other clip for your new CD?
It was great fun recording the video and it already has 34000 clicks in less then 4 weeks. So that’s good sign. It lifts the Band onto another Podium and we can reach many people with it. Of course we’re goingt to do more videos. It just depends on the amount of success.
– If I remember correctly some years you were giving guitar lessons, are you still doing it? The main thing is you teach your “students” but, what has giving guitar lessons taught you?
You get to know very nice pople with different musical tastes and abilities. It keeps your mind fresh , proves your patience & temper and makes you learn to see other peoples point of view.

– Finally, what does the future have in store for AT VANCE? What are the band’s near-future plans?
We’re workin on getting a tour across Europe together in autuum and it looks quite good so far. So maybe we see in spain very soon : )
– That’s been everything from my side, thanks once more. You can now add some final words if you want.
..please DON’T download the album for free. Respect our work and buy it if you like : ) …see you out there and ‘til then stay …at vanced : )