ISSA (Eng.)
– Hi, thanks for your time. What are you currently up to? How is everything doing right now with your musical project?
Heya- well these days its a lot of christmas shopping going on here but other than that we are working a lot on writing songs. There is always something going on with music and I do have a massive focus on writing original songs these days.
– You have just released «Can’t Stop», a covers album. Are expectations on this album different as it would have been an album with own songs?
Yes I think its very different and to be honest its very hard to cover such amazing songs to begin with. Its a fun prodject and its given me time to focus on more writing as I havent really had that releasing an album a year. The feedback has been good and when we decided to to this album we tried to pick songs that weren’t TOO famous and from what I hear a lot of people dont know the songs and thats perfect- they are amazing songs and they deserve to be descoverd again or for the first time.
– How did you come up with the idea of doing an album like this? How did you choose which covers you were going to do?
Well Frontiers records aproached me with the idea last year as this was something I know they wanted to do for some while. We had to go through many songs to find the pearls and it can be really hard knowing what they will sound like with a female and in a different key. We had to pick the songs we loved the most and hope for the best haha.
– I guess you would have already heard the album a few times so, what’s your favourite cover and why? What is the song that has been the hardest one to seep through?
Well the hardest one for me to do was “ I wont surrender” the song is amazing but when I was recording it I just couldt make it as good- its a
simple song and my tone seemed just wrong for the song- funny enough this is the song I get the most positive feedback on so ha what do I know? Haha I remember recording that song so many times trying to make it different and fuller- the result came out good so those sleepless nights were a waste:o) my favorite song on this album is “power over me” its massive chourses and amazing lyrics and what a band.
– And what song would you like to cover that you haven’t done it yet?
Well I love so many songs and a song that I play a lot is FM with “the dream that died”. Now I prefer doing originals but this song would just be amazing to do- and preform live.
– Why did you pick «Can’t Stop» as title? Could we relate it to the fact you’ve been 3 years now releasing albums on a row?
Haha yeah maybe- its funny but all the titles have been very matching to my personal life over the years- and its been just strange how they came together- Cant stop was one of those songs that I felt sounded like me- I liked the edge and high pich of the song.i felt like this was the perfect song to do a video for- its not as well known as some of the songs and it just stood out to me.
– The album has been produced by a seasoned guy such as Italian Alessandro del Vecchio, also member in EDEN’S CURSE and HARDLINE. Are you satisfied with the work done by him?
Yes i think its a hard job to try and do something new to songs that already sound so amazing. Del vecchio did an amazing job and i had the pleasure to meet all the guys when we recorded the video to Cant stop. We had the best time in italy together. The guyes are based there so we had to record everything apart from each other and thank god for internet:O)) we made it work and im just very lucky to have worked with so many amazing producers and musicians over the time.
– All this about «Can’t Stop» being said; how could you describe it in just 3 words?
FUN, 80s and powerful.
– Starting into this world being so young and being compared to really famous singers; has given you an extra push of motivation or rather pressure?
Hmmm i would say both. I think when i released my first album i didnt know what to expect really and have sucess with that album made the pressure come into the picture. All in all i try not to focus to much on whats being said or what people think- i just do what i think is right and i can only think thats right for me. when you start to focus on what everyone else says it can easy become someone else than you releasing the album. Stay true to what you believe and do the best you can coz you cant do much better than that.
– And throuhgout these years, what have been your best and worst musical moments?
Well best musical moment was when i got invited to italy to preform for the record company acoustic with all the label managers from europe. Ha I was so nervous and it was an amazing chance to show what i could do. It went down perfect and hey im still releasing albums haha- its always hard preforming for the people that decide youre faith. My worst moment was when i came across a web site where people just hated me- to sit home and read what i read was just horrible- then again thats what you have to handle when you become a “public person” in a way. I have though skin so i rubed it off and moved on fast:O)
– What artist or band would you like to play with?
Ohh so many to be honest- aerosmith would just be amazing- ohh Bon Jovi haha- there would be so many but to rock out with these icons would just be the peak of my career hahahah
– And finally, what are your near-future plans?
Well im planning some gigs at the moment for 2013- and im very excited to get back on the road, meeting all the amazing people out there. Ill keep on writing and who knows it might be another album next year. For now im gonna enjoy christmas and have some family time with amazing Norwegian food.