– Hi, thanks for your time. What are you currently up to? How is everything doing right now with LORD AGHEROS?

After completion of the work of Demiurgo look its release, enjoying the wait.

– LORD AGHEROS is a solo project of yours and I have always felt like is a really personal one so, first off; how did this «band» arise and what do you want to show with it?

Being a one man band allows me to represent my sound and what I really want to express, without cliché or labels that distinguish a specific genre.


– And why the name of «Lord Agheros»?

It comes from the root of my name (gèr -geròs) from the ancient greek, putting the alpha privative before the name means «ageless, timeless»


– You will soon release your new opus, entitled «Demiurgo». What are your expectations on this album?

Than its predecessors has the possibility to wander without limits, while maintaining the sound that represents Lord agheros, there is a concept here but also so immense that misses boundaries


– «Demiurgo» contains two sides, two different souls, described with two different musical approaches. How did you come up with this idea? And would you mind to elaborate a bit on this concept?

Represents the dark side of the human soul and hidden, but also pure, good and bad, all inextricably dependent on each other. I took inspiration from Greek mythology with the two kingdoms of the night, the terrestrial and infernal, but in the end is what we have inside ourselves?


– Conceptually one part of the album represents the children of Erebus and the other the children of Nyx, representing the virtues and defects of man. What part of both is closer to you or with which one do you identify the most?

Me, like you or others, we are the Demiurgo of ourselves, we have all the childrens of Erebus and Nyx, you only need to know that they are all a reflection of the other side.


– Musically «Demiurgo» represents the perfect balance between the usual musical beauty of LORD AGHEROS and the Black Metal aggressiveness. Do you think this is the record that describes the best what this project is for you?

Undoubtedly…yes, I wanted to begin with the trilogy that ended with «of beauty and sadness» just to make it clear that I wanted to show what I liked and what I wanted to do. With Demiurgo I gave vent to what, with the trilogy, I could not do. Yes, I consider the work more expressive and full of Lord Agheros.


– And how does the artwork fit with the whole CD?

The Tetraktis Cover: Level 1. The top point: the fundamental unit, completeness, wholeness, Fire. 2nd level. The two points: the duality, the complementary opposites, the feminine and the masculine, Air. 3rd level. The three points: the measurement of space and time, the dynamics of life, creation, Water. 4th level. The four points: the material, structural elements, Earth. Inside, two female figures representing the light and the darkness.


– Your atmospheric Black Metal makes me suppose the bands that have influenced you may be quite varied. Which are they?

Emotions and sensations


– If I’m not mistaken there will be a video for the song «Thanatos». What are we going to find on it?

Will be presented in simultaneous with the release of Demiurgo, it’s coming.


– All this about «Demiurgo» being said; how could you describe it in just 3 words?

Unique, insane, personal.


– You are hailing from Italy, a country that seems to have a solid Metal scene with many bands playing different Metal styles but, how do you see it as an insider?

We’ll be here to say the same things, each country has its own musical personality that you put in music. Everyone is free to do whatever he wants … just want


– And finally, what are your near-future plans?

Maintain the sound that characterizes Lord Agheros is the thing that I expressed more


– That’s all, thank you once more for answering our questions. If you want to add some final words; feel free to do it.

Very thanks for the space given, all the best to you and keep it up! See you soon!

Sergio Fernández



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