– Hello and first of all, thanks for taking the time. To start, please explain us what are AMORPHIS currently up to.

Hi! The new album “CIRCLE” will be out in April and we´re waiting to get on the road! Meanwhile we´ve taken promo pictures, making interviews and yesterday we found a videodirector! Lot of sitting home waiting something to happen. Hopefully the forthcoming touring period will last long and we´ll do lot of great concerts and never stop.

– You will soon release your new album, «Circle» so, what are your expectations on it? After 11 albums, is this still an exciting moment for you?

Its always fun to get an artpiece out. Its maybe the most interesting and exciting moment of all album making process, well maybe mastering ; ) (NOOT). Most important thing for me is the peoples opinion, not the sales figures. Of course I sincerely hope that the album will success, because that makes the touring possible and as we know it’s the true fun part from all band activities.


– Your previous album, «The Beginning of Times» was released in 2011, so it seems like everything has gone really fast, that makes me wonder if all songs on the opus are new and when did they start to get form.

I think all the every song is brand new. But dunno exactly when they were made timewise. My songs are made summer before the studio. But yeah, it has been relatively busy cause we did more than 100 shows after Beginning of Times including two summer fest. seasons 2 European tours, visited russia, SA, Japan bla bla bla. But to be honest mostly we´ve been sitting home and watching TV and that’s not a right way for a musician to spend a life. Need more tours 😀


– And with such a short time in between; what could you say are the main differences between «Circle» and «The Beginning of Times»?

Photo by Denis Goria

Musicallywise we did not try to change everything. The songs were made at the same way we«ve always been doing. Someone brings the demo to the rehearsals and so on. We did have some sort of a feeling to make this album harder than The Beginning Of Times, but I think it was more like an general intuition. Now when I listen it when its mixed and mastered its definitely heavier than previous, the keyboards are more in the background, lots of heavy guitars and ultra low bass. There is a variation all over in the music, performing and production.


– Getting deeper into this new effort; what’s the meaning behind its title? And could you please elaborate a bit on its concept? Is it linked to the album’s title? Moreover this time you lyrics aren’t based on a specific character or story off «Kalevala» but, is it inspired on it?

I«m not quite sure in which point the title dropped in, but in the story there is a full circle of the sun meaning the story lasts for one day. The circle is like a moon-circle. The concept is about a man in the present day, life is not going good, he«s kind of a small man trying to survive. In the story, the past – in Finland Kalevala mythology – appears to his life as a shaman to guide his way to the right track. Its definitely a survival story. Now when I think about that it’s a kind of stereotype of a Finnish man, only the shaman does not appear at all. Pekka describes a storyline like this: The protagonist has been dealt a bad hand at birth. He’s always felt himself an outsider with strong potential to become marginalized. Through an accident, after a crisis, he finds a connection with his inner powers. A guide is sent to him, from another time and place. He gets a chance to take hold of his own life and change his destiny. From the past of Carelian Finland he finds his own spiritual tribe and the power to turn the course of his doomed life. This is a story of survival.”Ó


– Once again Pekka Kainulainen has done the lyrics for the album, why is Pekka such a good choice for AMORPHIS?

Pekka is a Kalevala specialist and very fast of producing material. Hes also true professional, he can some with a concept with in a short time. And hes flexible and open minded to change the concept or the poetry if needed.


– This time Peter Tägtgren produced and mixed the album; are you satisfied with the final outcome?

I´m happy we did not fail the process: ) For me the album sounds fresh, different, familiar and interesting at the same time. Of course from my perspective there could be more keyboards – on the other hand the guitarrists Esa and Tomi are totally excited about the loud and heavy guitarsounds. Its definitely great to have a different approach to out music to separate it from the previous albums. And I think if we think about it how it was made, in a tight time frame with 7 guys with opinions, we all should be very happy about the album. And we still have 5 more tracks from the sessions which is a nice thing for fans.


– And why did you decide to go for him and break down the team you had during the last years?

We wanted to have change. We needed to get more inspiration for the recording process. Try out different things and come up with something not so normal. Maybe The Beginning Of Times was too sterile for us? It sounds maybe too soft comparing what does it sounds live.. Well to be honest I have not been listening BOT for a year now. No wonder after more than hunded shows played those songs. And with Marko it would have been great to work with him and these kind of things don’t exclude our friendship or chance to ask him in the future. We just thought we need something else for change.


– On the other hand, the cover artwork was crafted by Tom Bates. Would you mind elaborate a bit on it? It feels to me like a personification of the psiritual force guiding the main character of the story; was this what you wanted to reflect with it?

Photo by Denis Goria

You said it. That’s pretty much everything there is. It’s the shaman who appears in present.


– On 2011 you toured Spain for first time so, any nice memories from our country? And is there any chance of seeing you here again un support of «Circle»?

Spain will be included in our European-tour – of Course! We love spain and have been trying to get there many years. Last tour I remember we had f***g great shows at least in Madrid and Barcelona. And the beer was cheap, my god 1€ for a frozen pint? A heaven on earth.


– Finally, what are your near-future plans?

In April we´ll visit Israel for the first time which is going to be exotic. Then will perform in Hellsinki with a special set including every track from the new album “CIRCLE”. Summer 2013 looks good with lots of festivals in Finland and in Europe. And so far I know that we´ll tour Europe in November and hit Spalin with several dates! We are also planning a Russian tour and visit Japan in October, but lets see.


– That has been everything from my side, thanks once more for your time. If you now want to add some final words; feel free to do it.

People! See you in Novemeber in Spain, lets rock the house. And don’t forget to bring your neighbours along! Meanwhile check out our new album and be surprised how heavy it is. Maybe grab also Aqua, Coca-cola, Serveza, Fanta… Ha**s??!?


Tania Giménez


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