– Hello, thanks for taking the time. What are you currently up to?

This interview 😉 Nah.. I get married in 3wks, so just got my dad to buy the last 2 boxes of beer, Dave Pybus (COF) is giving me away, so he just booked the wedding car and then just house work around sorting out the final guests! So I am happy, very.

– To start, what were your goals when you started this project?

To make sure it was a 100 times better than the last album. To make sure WE loved it and we proud of it and we are!


– Your new album was released a few days ago, what are your expectations?

That people buy it, support us and give us a chance! Music will die if people and bands are not given chances. We also hope that people hear a big difference between the last album and this new one «The Corruption Of Mercy».


– I think the sound in this album is heavier than the sound of your previous one. What are your thoughts on this?

You are right. Its heavier, clearer, cleaner, no mistakes, no one screwing us over made a HUGE difference in every way. We are focused and solid as a band and I hope the only way is up. 🙂 I am so glad you noticed! Thank you.


– Tell us a bit about the writing process. Who does write the lyrics?

I do.. always my job! This album was written by myself and Dan Abela mostly. People did however contribute like, Gian Pyres wrote a few solo’s, Pzy Clown did the programming and an amazing job at that. Marcus Chapman did «What Lays Before You» and Luke Sibthorpe from The Dead Lay Waiting did a few keyboard parts and wrote a song with me called «Pretty With Effects». See I started this album more or less alone but then half way through, I had a solid professional line up. Ablaz, my bass player came on tour with me last year and he stayed cos he loved it. Dan’s brother Jamie drums for us now but he did the drums for Zombie last year. When we lost our drummer, Jamie took his place and Jamie is a HUGE asset to the band, he is tight, young and very technical. Dan Abela was my sound man but I thought he should join and I forced him with beer and women 😉 Jonny, the latest victim to join didn’t play on the album but joined after the album was written and he comes from a band called Callous. He is very talented! Great voice too.


– What does the cover artwork and the album’s name represent?

Mercy is a little girl. So that image is her. She has been corrupt because her parents haven’t raised her well. Her parents are more into chatting online, fashion and tv. They haven’t done well by her, so Mercy has been raised by the media. By tv, magazines, adverts and other images. She thinks the way to get love is to sleep around, she has no hands which is saying she can’t help herself, she can not help who she is. She wears a mask so people can not see what she has become. She has been sent all the wrong messages in life and the only education she has had is one thats forced upon her in the form of image. I wrote the song and choose the image because its is life today, at least where I am. Children as young as 4 on the streets because parent’s «can’t be bothered». I believe if you are not watching your child, someone else is. If you do not raise your child, someone else will.


– We can find on it a cover for «Zombie» (THE CRANBERRIES). How did you come up with this idea? And what changes have you done to this track?

Its about war and how things haven’t changed. I am very anti war and also very anti religion and the way I see things is, as long as there is religion, there will always be war. The song was huge in the UK when released but it was a big part of my childhood. I love the song so I just had to sing it. We down tuned, the song is a lot heavier and I added harmonies. We didn’t want to copy but we didn’t want to make it TOO different.


– Your debut album came out just one year ago; why being that quick? Don’t you run our of ideas?

People forget you fast and its not like I am a top selling artist and every knows my name. They know «The girl from COF that did all those albums» …. I spent 14yrs doing «ohhs» and «ahhs» and the way I see it is, I have always wanted to be a front woman, never a backing singer. I am 34 and now is the time to do my thing and hope people listen. So with so many bands out there, so many albums being released and that last album of mine being «Not so good», I had to do something better and fast. As I said, people forget you. I do not want that.. you get no where by sitting around doing nothing.


– Your previous record was released through Rising Records, and this one via Listenable Records. What prompted that move? Are you pleased with Listenable so far?

Probably best I do not say. The only thing I would say is Listenable Records are very professional, no attitude problems and they don’t rip people off and lie.


What are your main musical influences both into and out of Metal?

People and life influence me in every where, both musically and out of metal. I watch, learn and write about life and what crap is thrown at people. Nothing really influences me musically, I mean, I don’t sit there, listen to a band and think «I want to sound like them»… I just write and sing the way I think I should.


– You have cooperated or are still cooperating with such varied bands as THERION, CRADLE OF FILTH or MORTIIS. Which of these bands do you feel more comfortable with?

Nope. All done and very very grateful for lessons learnt. I loved Therion. I learnt so so much vocally. Ya know, every band has its shit sides and good sides. I am lucky and happy for the good times but the shit times teach you that people really can be nasty and self centered… Again, I am grateful for the times I had, the music I did and the shows and fans I met. I wouldn’t change any of it.


– Is there any other band you would like to work with in the future?

Oh I would love Faith No More… 😉 Alice In Chains? Wouldn’t ever happen but its cool… I just want to focus on my life and my dreams now.. I don’t want to work for others anymore, done that since I was 16. 🙂


– For example, you worked for several years with COF. Was hard for you to «leave» after 14 years?

Nope, very easy in fact. I have never been acknowledged as a singing because all I did was backing/main vocals as a session singer. I was one of the first Operatic singers in BM and yet no press cared or gave me credit for my hard work and thats fine. Maybe I was afraid of rejection, for not pushing myself harder…. But I left COF to move to Australia and I may miss the shows and the fans but its the best thing I did, I should have gone sooner and even people in the band said this to me… Some were very supportive indeed!


– Does it bother you the fact some people may think part of your success with your band is just due to some bands you have singed for in your past?

Any success I have to due to me having a voice. Its that simple. If I didn’t have a voice that bands wanted to work with, I wouldn’t be here! Its easy for people to judge you when they know nothing about you and thats fine! I mean, I started with COF when they were no bodies, I grew with that band, I worked hard and I have worked hard with many people…. But my success is due to me being able to sing… a little 😉 ha ha


– Have you ever thought about not singing anymore with other Metal bands and focus in Opera beacause of you soprano voice?

I do not like Opera, never have.. I sung because I had a voice but never been a fan of Opera. I am a metal chick 😉 Through and through.. bands are my thing! MY band is my thing and my priority now.


– Finally, what are your near-future plans? Will you tour?

After the honeymoon, yes, we plan to tour! Not sure of any plans yet but lets see! 🙂


– That has been all, thank you once more. Now feel free to add some final words.

Thank you so much for wanting to talk to me!! Please come see us and give us a chance if we play! 🙂

Sergio Fernández



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