– Hello, thanks for answering to our questions. What’s currently going on into the band’s camp?

nothing. We all toured like crazy all last year, so we are taking time to hang out–and answer email! Nothing going on presently.

– First off, how did the idea of releasing an album like “Live from the Living Room” arise?

we just wanted to try something a little different. We have the luxury of a wonderful fan base and favorable economics in Japan to allow us to stretch out and take some chances. We are very fortunate in this regard. Bringing in a relatively large production, as well as a string section would have been difficult at best anywhere else. So with the record label’s help and support, we were able to make this recording.


– The album’s name gives a certain warm feeling; was this something you wanted to get both with it and the performance we can hear on this new effort?

absolutely. We consider our «fans» to be, in fact, our friends. We love that we get the chance to be close to so many people all over the world. We certainly do consider them to be our friends, and we wanted to make the show as if we invited them over to our house to hang out.


– This record was supposed to be done live at the Wowow TV Studios in Japan. Why this concrete place?

I don’t understand that question. I don’t recall where it actually took place, and the location it was recorded in has no bearing on the result as far as I know. I don’t understand the «concrete» reference. Aren’t most buildings made of concrete? We played, our friends were there, a recording of the evening was made. That’s all I know. Glad we did!


– You hired a string quintet as well. How did you think has this affected the final output and the feeling this record provides?

It was more than a quartet, I believe. It was a string section. About 8 or more people. Having real musicians around always puts you on your best behavior. I am a big fan of classical music, so I was very pleased to see them do this with us, and they seemed very happy to be there.


– Your previous “What If” was your first album in none less than 10 years, your first album after your reunion in 2009 so, how does future look like for MR BIG? Could you say you are now living your best moment as a band?

hard to say. There have been many good times. It’s hard to choose which are the best. I know we have all evolved into better players, singers, and songwriters– in my humble opinion, but when I go back an listen to live shows and demos from the early days, we were on fire. I think all That has evolved into a unified force that will live on no matter what. We have a chemistry that, I believe, is tangible and undeniable. As far as the future is concerned, I simply do not know what it may bring.


– And have you come back to stay? Can we expect a new studio album anytime soon?

we did a new studio album. It’s called, as you may know, «What If…»

To return to the treadmill of churning out a new album every year is not necessarily what we have in mind. For Me personally, I’d much rather do a record when we feel inspired to do so. Not because of the amount of time elapsed from the last release.


– After so many time without any studio activity with MR BIG, how were you feeling about releasing that “What If…”?

we didn’t know how anyone would respond. We did our best, made an honest record, and as a result, got very lucky. I think it’s the best reviewed record any of us has ever made.


– After all these years of existence for the band and so many success; what’s left for MR BIG to get into the music world?

speaking for myself, I just hope we get to play in many many more places around the world. We’ve done USA, Europe, Japan, Korea, Thailand, Singapore, Taiwan, Indonesia, The Philippines, Russia, Turkey, Malaysia, India, China, all over S. America, and much more, but we haven’t been to Australia, Africa and the Middle East yet. I’m just happy to play anywhere. We don’t choose where we play— we only go to places that book us, and I hope more places decide to have us.


– And what have been both the best and worst moments so far?

the best is looking out to many thousands of smiling faces singing along and having an incredible time with us, the worst is having to go to an airport, check luggage, and get on yet another stinky airplane. Traveling sucks. I despise it. They have made it one of the ugliest experiences ever inflicted upon humanity. But if it takes me to where our friends are waiting for us, I will endure it–with a smile.


– Finally, what are your near-future plans?

I’m working on a new Niacin record, two other records, producing an artist, and much more. No rest for the wicked.!


– That has been everything from my side, thank you once more for your time. If you now want to add some final words, last lines are all yours.

Thank YOU for interviewing me. My pleasure. I just hope I get to play live for you and everyone who reads this as soon as possible.

Thanks again!

Your Friend,

Billy Sheehan

Sergio Fernández



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